Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Scary Smart

Pixel is a thinker. She is what I would call thoughtful. She has a definite process she goes through when learning something new. WATCH. TRY IT. COOKIE?! REPEAT. OKAY! GOT IT.

I started teaching her a formal "hold" the other day. Hold will mean to hang on to the item until I take it from you- a dumbbell eventually.

I start with a thick rope and we play with it, make it fun, make her want to grab it. I click when she closes her mouth around it. Three times I C/T for just grabbing it. Then I didn't click right away. Counted to five. C/T. Three times we did this. Present the rope. Grab. Hold for the count of 8. C/T. I now have a 10 second hold after only one session. That is 15 treats.

I love this dog.

We had our last puppy agility class tonite. We've done SO much with this class- it is kind of sad that it is over. They've all grown (mentally, and physically) so much over the last few months. Pixels foundation is coming along nicely, and I've started small sequencing with jumps/tunnels. She has also started some weave pole training- mostly two poles and she thinks it is pretty fun game! We are still playing teeter games, and are working on our travel board at home for contacts. I have decided to train 2 on 2 off contacts on all three contacts. (that's a whole other post)

We've also been doing quite a lot of obedience stuff lately- her heeling is very nice. I am very pleased with how "up" she is. I've actually taught this dog what stay means without a doubt, and she can hold position in a sit, down, and stand.

Pretty good for a not quite one year old puppy!


onecollie said...

Go Pixel!!!!

Jules said...

VERY good for a pupper! and her owner. I am glad your relationship with Pixel is coming along so nicely.

Diggy said...

Scary smart and scary cute. lol, bad combo

Dawn said...

I think all cardigans are scary smart, well second thought, maybe not Peace... Glad Pixel is doing so well!