Well...still no home computer...it sucks....
anyway last weekend we went to calgary for another ckc agility trial. Wicca was a maniac!! She had a great time but I definatly have to work on self control with her. We had a hold up at the start line so we had to wait for quite a while and by the time we were ready to go Wicca was so wound up she was screeching before we even started...I ended up pulling her right off the course when she blew her contact on the wall...I have never had to do that with her...Wicca is a work in progress...
We did have some really good runs though- she earned leg #2 for her novice title.
Scent hurdle was fun- we earned 35 points.....
I have Wicca entered in a couple AAC trials coming up soon so that will be fun- her weaves are awesome and I have been working on building some self control with her-
I have a revised list of things we are going to work on over the winter
-table (fast approaches, no flying off)
-start lines
-tunnel entry discriminations
and jumping
she was really good at the canine center- she had to jump safer and the 12inches made a difference to her...she barely knocked any poles....but I think AAC 10inches will be a lo of knocked bars to start with....
what can I say...I got what I wanted a high drive dog that loves agility....
Monday, December 19, 2005
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Well- my home computer is still busted.....it sucks....
anyway- thought I would update the blog with news about the beasties.
Kate is still enjoying being a house dog- she hasn't been out to agility or anything for a long while- she is jsut hanging out- keepin' the corgis' and the kitties in line...
Wicca is doing fantastic- I took her to the barn last week- well the week before and got a really good practice with her- Her weaves are fantastic-very consistent. I am excited about trialing her thi upcoming year. I have her entered in another CKC agility trial next weekend that I am pretty excited about- I will take her to the barn next week and work on jumping- with tunnel distractions- she seems to knock bars mostly when there is a tunnel as the next obstacle.....
Sam is so fun- he is such a good boy- a hard worker and really enjoys being with me. I took him to the barn this past week and worked on his contacts- they are coming...his jumping and directions are really great though- I will work with him all winter and have him ready by spring to trial-
We (Go! Dog Go!) are having a christmas party tomorrow which should be a lot of fun....
anyway- thought I would update the blog with news about the beasties.
Kate is still enjoying being a house dog- she hasn't been out to agility or anything for a long while- she is jsut hanging out- keepin' the corgis' and the kitties in line...
Wicca is doing fantastic- I took her to the barn last week- well the week before and got a really good practice with her- Her weaves are fantastic-very consistent. I am excited about trialing her thi upcoming year. I have her entered in another CKC agility trial next weekend that I am pretty excited about- I will take her to the barn next week and work on jumping- with tunnel distractions- she seems to knock bars mostly when there is a tunnel as the next obstacle.....
Sam is so fun- he is such a good boy- a hard worker and really enjoys being with me. I took him to the barn this past week and worked on his contacts- they are coming...his jumping and directions are really great though- I will work with him all winter and have him ready by spring to trial-
We (Go! Dog Go!) are having a christmas party tomorrow which should be a lot of fun....
Friday, November 18, 2005
Wicca Can WEAVE!
After months, and months...and months of practice and training Wicca can weave. I took Sam to practice last night instead of Wicca and brought home the "grown up" poles to work on this week with Woo- I was expecting to have to put the wires on a few times and gradually wean her off the practice poles to the real thing- Wicca said no problem and off she went- like a pro...
I was so proud of her I was jackpotting and jumping up and down like a fool...But wow did it feel good. Her weaving style is very neat- she bounces through the poles- and is fast and accurate. I can't wait for next week to practice at the barn with her....
What a great dog!
I was so proud of her I was jackpotting and jumping up and down like a fool...But wow did it feel good. Her weaving style is very neat- she bounces through the poles- and is fast and accurate. I can't wait for next week to practice at the barn with her....
What a great dog!
CKC Agility and First Title!
Wicca earned her first title! She got her SHD or Scent Hurdle Dog title this weekend. She was great- we haven't practice since august so I was a bit worried but she did great. We did agility aswell- her first CKC trial and her first time at 12inches....what a difference those two inches make1 Wicca only knocked two bars all weeekend- the extra inches make her pick up her feet....she had great contacts and only one "tunnel suck" moment. She came away with one leg towards her CKC Noice title. What a good dog!
I took Sam along for the weekend and he had a great time being admired by everyone. I got a chance to work him a bit in the warmup area and he was great- not the least bit worried about the other dogs and new place...
I took Sam along for the weekend and he had a great time being admired by everyone. I got a chance to work him a bit in the warmup area and he was great- not the least bit worried about the other dogs and new place...
Computer Problems....
So my computer has been down for almost two weeks now and it is driving me crazy...I still can check my mail everyday at work but miss everything else I do on the computer...you don't really think about how important it is until you don't have it...
Anyway- I have a few spare minutes at work so will catch up on everythin around here...
Anyway- I have a few spare minutes at work so will catch up on everythin around here...
Friday, November 04, 2005
I have been slacking off a bit it seems. I have been really busy with work, and boring real life stuff but Everyone is doing awesome. Kate is still just hanging out- she is enjoying her change of routine I think. Wicca is doing fantastic. Since the "weave pole breathrough" she has been getting better and better as the weks go on. This morning she nailed an off side entry out of a fast pinwheel, tunnel combination. We have a CKC agility trial coming up on the Nov.11th weekend that I am pretty excited about. CKC has no weaves but it will be really good practice for her contacts and jumping. She has to jump 12inches (compared to her usual 10) so I have been really working on her jumping.
Sam is learning a ton and is doing great. I have been working on his obedience a bit more lately and his heeling is coming...he is very exuberant and happy when we work and i love it.
Well- off to work I go...
Sam is learning a ton and is doing great. I have been working on his obedience a bit more lately and his heeling is coming...he is very exuberant and happy when we work and i love it.
Well- off to work I go...
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
She's Got It!
Well Wicca can finally weave- she is not 100% by any means- but she is reliably weaving! My backyard poles are straight up- no gaps. No Wires....Nothing....She is stronger on the left side- but that's my fault and I have been working to fix that. I am so excited.
Her weaving style is quite cute- she is a hopper. This morning I did jump, jump, weave, tunnel, come back and weave- and she nailed it. I am so excited!
Her weaving style is quite cute- she is a hopper. This morning I did jump, jump, weave, tunnel, come back and weave- and she nailed it. I am so excited!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
I have been working more and more with Wicca and obedience lately. I haven't done a lot since the lethbridge dogshow and when she was sick but have been puttering around the yard alot with her. She is doing awesome. Her heeling is improved quite a bit from the summer and she is able to work with harder distractions. She is still a bit "I'm a Princess, Make Me" but for the most part she is pretty good. I do have to work on her recall though- something I took for granted. We work on fronts- not alot but at least every few days...she is always really eager and is very reliable- I took her out to a different park this morning and she was a bit weird about the actual recall part though...not too sure what exactly she is thinking. I always leave her with a quiet- "wait" command. And call her "Wicca Front!" but today - every time I did it (about 4times) she kind of started coming and then would either stop or look away- very stressed about it....hmmm....I thought maybe my body language, maybe my tone of voice...so I tried it without making eye contact with her- with a toy, running as soon as she started towards me...as soon as the toy came out she forgot about her stress but it is something I will have to figure out and fix.......
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Wicca is holding her dummy! Yahoo! I was a bit worried about teaching a hold- I had such a hard time with Kate, even getting her to pick it up. But Wicca's got it! She has always loved the dumbbell- I made sure that as a puppy it was the most cherished, special toy. A few weeks ago (actually when she was recovering from Parvo and couldn't be too active) I worked with her for about 15 minutes or so trying to get the duration of the hold up- in scent she spits it at me and that's fine but in obedience she is going to have to hold it until I take it from her. This morning I worked again with her for a few minutes and wow- she is so clever. I started just giving it to her- Take It. Then I moved in front of her (in the "front" position) and asked her to take it again. I got her to hold it for about 4 seconds or so. Then I Stepped a little farther away and asked her to "front" - what a great little worker...She just amazes me!
I worked with Sam a bit this morning aswell- he has been really great with his attention and can almost do a full heeling pattern look at me- now that I have his attention I am going to start teachin him to heel. His natural position is not too bad- he just tends to swing his but out quite wide.
fun, fun...
I worked with Sam a bit this morning aswell- he has been really great with his attention and can almost do a full heeling pattern look at me- now that I have his attention I am going to start teachin him to heel. His natural position is not too bad- he just tends to swing his but out quite wide.
fun, fun...
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Busy, Busy...
Well- the last week or so has been really...The dogs are doing great, but becuase life has been so busy I haven't had too much to report or write about. I am still working with Wicca on weaves- every day. She is doing really great- the poles are right close together now and she is about 75% accurate- she will still occasionally pop the last pole- so i have the wire back up on that pole. We went to the Kathy Keats seminar last week and it was awesome! Kathy is a great instructor- and worked really well with all types of dogs. We worked on a jumping exercise with a pinwheel on either end and a jump in the middle. We worked alot on front and rear crosses- timing- trusting your dog, obstacle commitment. Wicca did really well until we started added discrimnation with tunnels...oh my...she is a true tunnel suck...So Wicca is "grounded" from tunnels for a few weeks while we focus on jumping- making the jumps a reward themselves(like the tunnel) anyway it is working really well. Kathy is coming back in february and I am definitely interested in going again. Sam is doing awsome. His contacts are coming- he is just a bit slower on learning he can do it himself....I have barely done any weaving with him but am in no hurry- I will maybe focus more on that this winter. For now I am teaching him front/rear crosses on jumps and some simple discrimination. Kate is still enjoying her holiday- I haven't had her out to agility since the trial and have just been doing lots of regular dog stuff. - playing fetch, lots of walks and just letting her be...
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Tribute to a great dog
Tribute To A Best Friend
Sunlight streams through window pane
unto a spot on the floor....
then I remember,
it's where you used to lie,
but now you are no more.
Our feet walk down a hall of carpet,
and muted echoes sound....
then I remember,
It's where your paws would joyously abound.
A voice is heard along the road,
and up beyond the hill,
then I remember it can't be yours....
your golden voice is still.
But I'll take that vacant spot of floor
and empty muted hall
and lay them with the absent voice
and unused dish along the wall.
I'll wrap these treasured memorials
in a blanket of my love
and keep them for my best friend
until we meet above.
Author Unknown
On Tuesday, September 27, 2005 my family and I said a final goodbye to a great dog. Tina will be greatly missed and leaves a huge hole in my heart. She reached the age of 15 before her body could no longer keep up. Tina was my first dog- one that I will remember forever. She taught me so much about dog training, patience, and love. Growing up she was the best friend that you could ever ask for. As she grew older and I moved out- she stayed behind as the family dog- but she was so much more than that. I will miss her cheerful grin and the gentle wagging of her tail. She will be missed forever.
Goodbye old girl, I miss you.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
First Q!
We went to Medicine Hat this weekend for an AAC Agility trial. The weather was perfect- the field was great, and the courses were very fun! Wicca ran awesome and got her first Qualifying Run! - She got 37 points in her opening and got the gamble no problem. That allowed her to move up for today into Advanced Gamblers and she did pretty good. I have quite a bit to learn about her yet but it's coming. Her jumpers rounds were very fast- one of them was just over 20 seconds! Only one or two knocked bars becuase of my handling. Her snooker- well...lets just say if they had a prize for fastest time and no points we would have won. Right away we got tweeted off the first one and the second one today we were doing not too bad until I was a bit late on a signal and TWEET!.....But overall we had a blast. We worked on start lines- her contacts were even better this time- no more creeping, and the barking is almost non-existent.
I finally got to run a steeplechase and what fun Kate and I had! It was a great course- lots of room to run with only a few tight spots- she nailed her weave poles and didn't miss any contacts. It was her best run in over a year. Kate's other two runs weren't spectacular- I still find myself disapointed when she messes up on course and even though I try hard to tell her what a good girl she is and keep it happy she is reading my body language or something and it's not long until our run goes from so-so to bad and then worse- she actually left the ring today. I got her back of course but she obviously found the ring to be too stressful. Usually Kate does her best at this trial- she likes the venue I guess...But we did hae one good run which is good for Kate. And we placed second out of 5 dogs in one of the other classes so overall she did pretty good. I did find that she was more stressed than usual- very anxious about being in the kennel- actually bent the door on the wire crate. I think I may stick to one day events with her from now on- no more traveling. We'll see.....
I took Sam just to get him out and he was great. He is really good around other dogs now- able to focus when there are lots of distraction and I got a few really good training sesssions in with him. We worked on heeling- downs and practiced some tricks- I am teaching him Wave and it is very cute with his stubby little legs.
Anyway- I am going to a Kathy Keats seminar on friday with Wicca and I am really looking forward to it. It should be lots of fun and a great learning experience- for both of us....
I finally got to run a steeplechase and what fun Kate and I had! It was a great course- lots of room to run with only a few tight spots- she nailed her weave poles and didn't miss any contacts. It was her best run in over a year. Kate's other two runs weren't spectacular- I still find myself disapointed when she messes up on course and even though I try hard to tell her what a good girl she is and keep it happy she is reading my body language or something and it's not long until our run goes from so-so to bad and then worse- she actually left the ring today. I got her back of course but she obviously found the ring to be too stressful. Usually Kate does her best at this trial- she likes the venue I guess...But we did hae one good run which is good for Kate. And we placed second out of 5 dogs in one of the other classes so overall she did pretty good. I did find that she was more stressed than usual- very anxious about being in the kennel- actually bent the door on the wire crate. I think I may stick to one day events with her from now on- no more traveling. We'll see.....
I took Sam just to get him out and he was great. He is really good around other dogs now- able to focus when there are lots of distraction and I got a few really good training sesssions in with him. We worked on heeling- downs and practiced some tricks- I am teaching him Wave and it is very cute with his stubby little legs.
Anyway- I am going to a Kathy Keats seminar on friday with Wicca and I am really looking forward to it. It should be lots of fun and a great learning experience- for both of us....
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Start Line and Training Opportunities...
Today we had a funmatch which was lots of fun. We offered a Standard Run, and a Gamblers Course. We had a pretty decent turn out- about 12 or 13 dogs. The weather was great and everyone had a good time. I am always amazed when people don't take the opportunity and fix or help their dogs. A funmatch means it's just for fun- so reinforce those contacts and practice those start lines....
I definitely used the ring time well today- I worked on Wicca's creeping start lines...I have decided to ask her to sit rather than down- I figure it's a little harder to creep when your sitting- not impossible if you're a corgi but I think that she might understand and respect the "wait" better...So today I worked on that- the first run she went into a down the minute I turned my back....the second run was better- I reinforced the sit about three times before letting her release...I think that I have nipped it in the bud soon enough that it shouldn't be too ingrained in her little brain. I also worked on her contacts- she is releasing herself instead of waiting for me so I C/T on course when she held them- which surprised her and the next contact she was definately waiting for that cookie. Her gambles were awesome- she didn't knock any gamble poles and I got some really nice distance from her- We got 37 points in the opening and successfully completed the gamble so I am really happy with her.
I played with Sam a bit on the gamble course and he did great! We have been working on our contacts and he is catching on really well- he loves jumps and tunnels though- he is going to be a great jumpers dog! As he is getting more confident and understanding the reward system the faster he is getting which is awesome to see.
I left Kate at home- I am going to take her this week one on one and just play with her- do one jump then play, play, play....do a set of weaves then play, play, play....I think for her right now it is really important to make sure each training session is made up of 90% play and 10% actual work...We'll see I guess this weekend.
On another note- I was watching CNN tonite that was about the animals left behind in the wake of Katrina- I could not even imagine leaving my dogs behind. There was a story about a fellow who couldn't find his cat when he was evacuated and the news team actually tracked him down adn reunited him with his cat- it was very emotional and brought tears to my eyes. The showed of course the hundreds of dogs and cats that are currently homeless....It is horrible. Like I said- I could not even begin to imagine....
It is late and I am off to bed.
I definitely used the ring time well today- I worked on Wicca's creeping start lines...I have decided to ask her to sit rather than down- I figure it's a little harder to creep when your sitting- not impossible if you're a corgi but I think that she might understand and respect the "wait" better...So today I worked on that- the first run she went into a down the minute I turned my back....the second run was better- I reinforced the sit about three times before letting her release...I think that I have nipped it in the bud soon enough that it shouldn't be too ingrained in her little brain. I also worked on her contacts- she is releasing herself instead of waiting for me so I C/T on course when she held them- which surprised her and the next contact she was definately waiting for that cookie. Her gambles were awesome- she didn't knock any gamble poles and I got some really nice distance from her- We got 37 points in the opening and successfully completed the gamble so I am really happy with her.
I played with Sam a bit on the gamble course and he did great! We have been working on our contacts and he is catching on really well- he loves jumps and tunnels though- he is going to be a great jumpers dog! As he is getting more confident and understanding the reward system the faster he is getting which is awesome to see.
I left Kate at home- I am going to take her this week one on one and just play with her- do one jump then play, play, play....do a set of weaves then play, play, play....I think for her right now it is really important to make sure each training session is made up of 90% play and 10% actual work...We'll see I guess this weekend.
On another note- I was watching CNN tonite that was about the animals left behind in the wake of Katrina- I could not even imagine leaving my dogs behind. There was a story about a fellow who couldn't find his cat when he was evacuated and the news team actually tracked him down adn reunited him with his cat- it was very emotional and brought tears to my eyes. The showed of course the hundreds of dogs and cats that are currently homeless....It is horrible. Like I said- I could not even begin to imagine....
It is late and I am off to bed.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Wicked Weaves...
Wicca is doing great on the poles- she is nailing the entry and commited all the way through. I think that she should have them down pat 100% by October...It makes a huge difference to practice them every single day and I can see the results! I have the entrances almost closed and the middle poles about 1.5 inches out- I am thinking that by the end of September I will be able to try her on the real poles....But for now we are working them into sequences- fast out of tunnels, jumping lines, and even slow off the table. I want to make sure there are no surpirses when we move to the "grown up" poles....
Sam is doing well- I have been working quite a bit on front and rear crosses- changes of direction that sort of thing. He is doing well but doesn't much like to change his lead when Jumping so will focus on that for a week or so. He is such a goofy dog- his running style is going to be very different than Wiccas I think....
Kate is having a holiday after last weeks trial...Not sure what I am going to do with her yet....We have a funmatch tomorrow- I may take her out....I changed her entry for the medicine hat trial too (which is next weekend) I pulled her from Team and just have her in 2 gambles and a steeplechase.....(Gamblers is her favorite class) I have to figure out how to put the fun back in the game for her. She obviously is not enjying herself anymore...
Sam is doing well- I have been working quite a bit on front and rear crosses- changes of direction that sort of thing. He is doing well but doesn't much like to change his lead when Jumping so will focus on that for a week or so. He is such a goofy dog- his running style is going to be very different than Wiccas I think....
Kate is having a holiday after last weeks trial...Not sure what I am going to do with her yet....We have a funmatch tomorrow- I may take her out....I changed her entry for the medicine hat trial too (which is next weekend) I pulled her from Team and just have her in 2 gambles and a steeplechase.....(Gamblers is her favorite class) I have to figure out how to put the fun back in the game for her. She obviously is not enjying herself anymore...
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Well it was a very, very wet weekend in Kimberley this weekend. It rained, I mean poured all day Saturday and we even had a bit of sleet and fog to boot! But even with the wet and cold Wicca did awesome at her first trial. I had her entered in only a few things- no weave poles yet and she ran beautifully! She nailed her contacts, was very fast, and I handled her pretty good! No Qualifying runs do to a few knocked bars but her runs were amazing- she gave me a ton of distance, very little barking and didn't bite me once! She listened to me- followed directions and was very focused. She had a great time and I could not be prouder of my little dog. She gave me 110% this weekend and all I can say is Wow!
After the weekend I have a list of things to proof with her
*Start Lines
*Fast ONTO the table (she flew off coming out of a fast sequence)
*creeping to a bottom on the dogwalk
*and get those weaves done!
She is going to be awesome when we get those poles....she is doing really well- but still has at least a month more of serious training before asking her to weave at a trial- I am hoping for October.....
Kate did not appreciate the rain, and the corgis. She had a good run first thhing saturday morning and then was miserable the rest of the weeekend....
oh well
After the weekend I have a list of things to proof with her
*Start Lines
*Fast ONTO the table (she flew off coming out of a fast sequence)
*creeping to a bottom on the dogwalk
*and get those weaves done!
She is going to be awesome when we get those poles....she is doing really well- but still has at least a month more of serious training before asking her to weave at a trial- I am hoping for October.....
Kate did not appreciate the rain, and the corgis. She had a good run first thhing saturday morning and then was miserable the rest of the weeekend....
oh well
Thursday, September 08, 2005
I am nervous already....I have been pretty good about holidng off the nerves fora long time but there is still two days to go until the weekend and here I am- feeling nervous.....
It will be Wicca's first trial- she is more than ready and I have done a lot of trialing with other dogs but you still get those nerves I guess....Wicca's best thing is her contacts- she is very solid on them. Her start line isn't 1005 so we will be wroking on that this weekend and she is great at distance work so hopefully we will have a few good gambles...I don't expect and Q's this weekend from her- It is her very first trial and we are just getting to know each other and work as a team but I do expect her to listen to me and of course have a ton of fun!
It is an outdoor trial so Kate should do great- she loves outdoors and always does better than indoors.
We haven't been practicing a ton- but we have been working on pole entries and some discrimination stuff so hopefully we can run happy and maybe get a few Q's!
Well Wish us luck!!!
It will be Wicca's first trial- she is more than ready and I have done a lot of trialing with other dogs but you still get those nerves I guess....Wicca's best thing is her contacts- she is very solid on them. Her start line isn't 1005 so we will be wroking on that this weekend and she is great at distance work so hopefully we will have a few good gambles...I don't expect and Q's this weekend from her- It is her very first trial and we are just getting to know each other and work as a team but I do expect her to listen to me and of course have a ton of fun!
It is an outdoor trial so Kate should do great- she loves outdoors and always does better than indoors.
We haven't been practicing a ton- but we have been working on pole entries and some discrimination stuff so hopefully we can run happy and maybe get a few Q's!
Well Wish us luck!!!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
I took Wicca and Sam out to agility this morning and we had a good time. Wicca was very excited to be out and about and was sure to tell us all about it! Once we got working though she settled down a bit. Her weaves are finally coming! The middle is completely closed and just the entrances are open a bit. I put wires on the last pole today to prevent her from popping out and have gone back to working the basic clock as far as getting entries and such....We worked a bit on our contacts as well- mostly the teeter. I originally hadn't trained it with a bottom- but am finding that she is "almost" flying off so am retraining the teeter to include a bottom.
Sam had a great time- he is learning what a bottom is and is working on distance over jumps and tunnels. He is a little different than wicca in that he needs quite a bit of rewards still between obstacles or on tough exerices. He is a little more cautious so I just need to keep things fun and not make it too hard too soon. But there is huge improvements on his attitude and just overall personality I think.
I didn't take Kate this morning but am taking her swimming this afternoon with Drakkar the Standard Poodle....
Sam had a great time- he is learning what a bottom is and is working on distance over jumps and tunnels. He is a little different than wicca in that he needs quite a bit of rewards still between obstacles or on tough exerices. He is a little more cautious so I just need to keep things fun and not make it too hard too soon. But there is huge improvements on his attitude and just overall personality I think.
I didn't take Kate this morning but am taking her swimming this afternoon with Drakkar the Standard Poodle....
Friday, September 02, 2005
Happy Birthday Kate!
Wow- Kate is Seven years old!!!! I can't believe that much time has gone by....
I remember when I first got her- I was still heart broke over my previous shepherd pup (who had HD and was euthanised at6months old) I wasn't ready for another dog but she really needed a special person and I guess it was meant to be. . Kate was the cutest pup- she still had very funny floppy ears and even at that young age had a not so great disposition. She threw up on me the whole way home and it took a long time for her to bond with me. She was a horrible teenager- she threw tons of issues at me - from fear aggression, possesivness, dog aggression, and was always worried. I can remember distinct times where I thought okay- this is it. I am not dealing with this anymore...But then she would do something great- or seem to respond to training and it was okay again for a while. Kate has been such a hard dog- but I love her to pieces. She is an amazing dog and I can see the changes in her. I see her relaxed, happy, tail wagging, and I thank God that I didn't give up on her. In her seven years she has done amazing things- from the first time she went into an obedience ring and through her fear and my nervousness scored a 191.5 and a High Score in Class, to the agility trial she Q'd in every run. All of which nobody except me and a few of her close friends though she could do. It has been an amazing 7 years and she has taught me alot of dog training, patience and unconditional love. She truly is a great dog and I love her for just being her....
Happy Birthday Kate!
I remember when I first got her- I was still heart broke over my previous shepherd pup (who had HD and was euthanised at6months old) I wasn't ready for another dog but she really needed a special person and I guess it was meant to be. . Kate was the cutest pup- she still had very funny floppy ears and even at that young age had a not so great disposition. She threw up on me the whole way home and it took a long time for her to bond with me. She was a horrible teenager- she threw tons of issues at me - from fear aggression, possesivness, dog aggression, and was always worried. I can remember distinct times where I thought okay- this is it. I am not dealing with this anymore...But then she would do something great- or seem to respond to training and it was okay again for a while. Kate has been such a hard dog- but I love her to pieces. She is an amazing dog and I can see the changes in her. I see her relaxed, happy, tail wagging, and I thank God that I didn't give up on her. In her seven years she has done amazing things- from the first time she went into an obedience ring and through her fear and my nervousness scored a 191.5 and a High Score in Class, to the agility trial she Q'd in every run. All of which nobody except me and a few of her close friends though she could do. It has been an amazing 7 years and she has taught me alot of dog training, patience and unconditional love. She truly is a great dog and I love her for just being her....
Happy Birthday Kate!
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Work Ethic....
Nothing much happening here these days as far as the beasts go. Wicca gets her stitches out tomorrow morning- she is doing really well, the incision is all healed up and doesn't seem to bother her at all.
I have taken to working the dogs a bit every morning again- sometimes there isn't enough daylight left by the time I get home from work and agility- so the morning has turned into our training time.
One thing about corgi's is that they sure like to work. The minute the clicker comes out they line up- the corgi's that is- I have to peel Kate off the couch to get her to work.....
I usually will start with some trick type things, a bit of heeling and then maybe a few fronts with Wicca.
Sam is still learning moving attention but we still practice fronts, and I have been trying to teach him a few tricks....I like my dogs to know a few at least- I incorporate them into my agility warm-up, and Corgi''s love to show off so any lull in the day or during training is a good time to do tricks!!!
Kate doesn't always participate in "training" but we go out and throw the ball, maybe do a couple signal exercises, go-outs and such...rarely do we "practice" heeling, and I try to avoid anything that might be percieved as boring....Otherwise I don't have a dog...she is surely a difficult dog...Good thing she isn't an obedience dog anymore!!!
I have taken to working the dogs a bit every morning again- sometimes there isn't enough daylight left by the time I get home from work and agility- so the morning has turned into our training time.
One thing about corgi's is that they sure like to work. The minute the clicker comes out they line up- the corgi's that is- I have to peel Kate off the couch to get her to work.....
I usually will start with some trick type things, a bit of heeling and then maybe a few fronts with Wicca.
Sam is still learning moving attention but we still practice fronts, and I have been trying to teach him a few tricks....I like my dogs to know a few at least- I incorporate them into my agility warm-up, and Corgi''s love to show off so any lull in the day or during training is a good time to do tricks!!!
Kate doesn't always participate in "training" but we go out and throw the ball, maybe do a couple signal exercises, go-outs and such...rarely do we "practice" heeling, and I try to avoid anything that might be percieved as boring....Otherwise I don't have a dog...she is surely a difficult dog...Good thing she isn't an obedience dog anymore!!!
Friday, August 26, 2005
Well I bit the bullet and had Wicca spayed on Monday- oh, what a week it has been....
The first day was great- she left the incision alone- it looked great and she didn't seem to mind taking it easy...
By Wednesday I noticed that the incision was red and "bubbled" up around the incision.....I found a cone and Thursday morning thought that I would make her wear it while I was at work...Ha!
Wicca wanted nothing to do with the cone and when I finally caught her she had it off in seconds...so tightened the collar, did some adjusting and tried again...This time it lasted a few minutes before she triumphantly threw it to the ground....Grrrrr.....
So I put three stuffed bones in with her- a beef chew and a Peanut Butter Kong and left for work for the morning...Wicca wins again!
I have a vet appointment this morning at 10:00 to have the incision looked at- It looks to me like she has been pulling or attempting to pull the stitches out...I have tried and for the most part succeeded in keeping her calm- no jumping, no stairs, no running....but for you corgi people you know just how hard that is!
To top it all off- Sam is driving me crazy....he can't play with Wicca so he takes it out on me!!!!
The first day was great- she left the incision alone- it looked great and she didn't seem to mind taking it easy...
By Wednesday I noticed that the incision was red and "bubbled" up around the incision.....I found a cone and Thursday morning thought that I would make her wear it while I was at work...Ha!
Wicca wanted nothing to do with the cone and when I finally caught her she had it off in seconds...so tightened the collar, did some adjusting and tried again...This time it lasted a few minutes before she triumphantly threw it to the ground....Grrrrr.....
So I put three stuffed bones in with her- a beef chew and a Peanut Butter Kong and left for work for the morning...Wicca wins again!
I have a vet appointment this morning at 10:00 to have the incision looked at- It looks to me like she has been pulling or attempting to pull the stitches out...I have tried and for the most part succeeded in keeping her calm- no jumping, no stairs, no running....but for you corgi people you know just how hard that is!
To top it all off- Sam is driving me crazy....he can't play with Wicca so he takes it out on me!!!!
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Agility and Corgi's don't float...
Well I took Wicca out to do some agility this morning and good news- her jumping is finally improving. She is keeping most of the poles up even with speed and bad approaches. the bad news is that she is really testing me right now on her contacts. I took her right off the field today because she blew her wall contact- it's the first time she has outright broke the rules.....but she got the picture- I brought sam out and made her sit and watch and then she got to try again....Sam was very good- we worked on front crosses, contacts, and tunnel discrimination...He is such a cute little dog....
In the afternoon I found out that contrary to popular belief corgi's don't float!!!! I took Sam and Kate out for a walk with some friends around a really nice little lake- Kate loves to swim (it's one of her passions in life) but Sam generally does not like water- as far as I know anyway...But Sam does love to play fetch and after a few throws that Kate swam out to get Sam decided that he wanted the stick too- so in he jumped....And promptly went head first into the lake and sunk straight to the bottom- I was just about to grab him out when he re-surfaced and paddled back to shore...Poor Sam! He was very upset and embarrased...We were cracking up at him at this point- his ears were pinned to his head- he was soaked to the bone and was heading for the car before I called him back...Poor Guy!
I played fetch with him after on the grass and that seemed to make him feel a little better....but I think his career as a Labrador Retriever is over.....
In the afternoon I found out that contrary to popular belief corgi's don't float!!!! I took Sam and Kate out for a walk with some friends around a really nice little lake- Kate loves to swim (it's one of her passions in life) but Sam generally does not like water- as far as I know anyway...But Sam does love to play fetch and after a few throws that Kate swam out to get Sam decided that he wanted the stick too- so in he jumped....And promptly went head first into the lake and sunk straight to the bottom- I was just about to grab him out when he re-surfaced and paddled back to shore...Poor Sam! He was very upset and embarrased...We were cracking up at him at this point- his ears were pinned to his head- he was soaked to the bone and was heading for the car before I called him back...Poor Guy!
I played fetch with him after on the grass and that seemed to make him feel a little better....but I think his career as a Labrador Retriever is over.....
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Summer Holidays
We just got back home after being on holidays at a friends acreage and wow- we had so much fun! I took the two corgi's and left Kate at home (her idea of a vacation- no corgis)
They had a blast- we go there a few times a year so they are pretty good in the dog runs and adjust really well to the different schdule. We did agility almost every day- played hard in the field, did some sheep herding for the first time and just had an overall good time. It is good to be home but I am not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow....
They had a blast- we go there a few times a year so they are pretty good in the dog runs and adjust really well to the different schdule. We did agility almost every day- played hard in the field, did some sheep herding for the first time and just had an overall good time. It is good to be home but I am not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow....
Wicca loves sheep!
This weekend we got to play with sheep for the first time and it was amazing. She has never seen sheep before so I wasn't sure how she would be- but she caught on right away...She got so excited watching the first dog that by the time it was her turn she was frantic.
Her first go round was alot of chasing! She was thrilled that she could move all those sheep by herself. I have worked on directions and her lie down in preparation but that went out the window- and I resorted to telling her to "get out" (something she knows from agility) and being really firm on her lie down. By the end of her turn she was starting to gather the sheep and respond a bit better to me.
Her second go round was alot more controlled and I was able to direct her fairly well since I was finally understanding where I need to be and where the dog should be in relation to the sheep. We had her bringing the sheep to me- walk up/lie down, walk up/lie down. She was a bit stubborn and her lie down wasn't as solid as I had thought!!!!
Her third time was amazing. She was really keyed on the job and was going around them like a pro. We didn't use the border collie at all and she was even able to get them out of the corner...She and I had a blast and it was really neat to see the instinct come out like that...So needless to say I am hooked.....
This weekend we got to play with sheep for the first time and it was amazing. She has never seen sheep before so I wasn't sure how she would be- but she caught on right away...She got so excited watching the first dog that by the time it was her turn she was frantic.
Her first go round was alot of chasing! She was thrilled that she could move all those sheep by herself. I have worked on directions and her lie down in preparation but that went out the window- and I resorted to telling her to "get out" (something she knows from agility) and being really firm on her lie down. By the end of her turn she was starting to gather the sheep and respond a bit better to me.
Her second go round was alot more controlled and I was able to direct her fairly well since I was finally understanding where I need to be and where the dog should be in relation to the sheep. We had her bringing the sheep to me- walk up/lie down, walk up/lie down. She was a bit stubborn and her lie down wasn't as solid as I had thought!!!!
Her third time was amazing. She was really keyed on the job and was going around them like a pro. We didn't use the border collie at all and she was even able to get them out of the corner...She and I had a blast and it was really neat to see the instinct come out like that...So needless to say I am hooked.....
Thursday, August 04, 2005
What next...
Well tonite after our walk I was taking Wicca's collar off and a big clump of hair came with it! I looked at her neck and she barely has any hair- there are spots where you can see her skin- the rest is all patchy, and dry. She doesn't seem particularily itchy- I checked for fleas and didn't find any evidence on her....
I will phone my vet in the morning and see what he thinks...My friend thinks that it is still left over problems from her parvo experience...I just don't know what to think anymore....
I will phone my vet in the morning and see what he thinks...My friend thinks that it is still left over problems from her parvo experience...I just don't know what to think anymore....
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
What a Day!
Well, I bit the bullet and went to calgary on sunday for scenthurdle and boy, am I glad I did. Wicca is more than ready to be back and had a blast...
She raced really, really well...I was a bit nervous- we haven't raced or practiced since the lethbridge show (before she was sick) and I didn't want to let the team down but she was right on. She was very excited to be there and grabbed the right dummy every single time- her only problem was when she was neck to neck with another fast dog from another team- she started veering outof her lane to chase him but I just yelled to her to fetch it and she forgot about the dog and zoned back into her dummy...What a good girl...She loves that game so much...it is amazing.
I also decided at the last minute to enter in an agility funmatch in the afternoon and I am really glad I did. She did great- it was a a modified ckc novice course and I jumped her at 6inches- no knocked bars...she held her contacts really well even though it was a fast course and had no problems working out ahead of me....there was a tunnel trap which she pulled off beautifully (my good handling for once) and over all I was really impressed with her....I can't wait to get her at a trial...
On that note we are still plugging away at our weaves....they are coming....
She raced really, really well...I was a bit nervous- we haven't raced or practiced since the lethbridge show (before she was sick) and I didn't want to let the team down but she was right on. She was very excited to be there and grabbed the right dummy every single time- her only problem was when she was neck to neck with another fast dog from another team- she started veering outof her lane to chase him but I just yelled to her to fetch it and she forgot about the dog and zoned back into her dummy...What a good girl...She loves that game so much...it is amazing.
I also decided at the last minute to enter in an agility funmatch in the afternoon and I am really glad I did. She did great- it was a a modified ckc novice course and I jumped her at 6inches- no knocked bars...she held her contacts really well even though it was a fast course and had no problems working out ahead of me....there was a tunnel trap which she pulled off beautifully (my good handling for once) and over all I was really impressed with her....I can't wait to get her at a trial...
On that note we are still plugging away at our weaves....they are coming....
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
What a good feeling...
Well, I took Wicca out to agility for the first time since before she was sick last night- and boy did that feel good! I have slowly been working her up in the back yard- and decided that she was ready to get back on some real equipment.
She was awesome! She was sooo excited to be out- she barked almost non-stop while we set up but once she was working she was very intent and did a great job. We worked on weave poles- which are coming along fantstically since setting up my backyard poles. We also did some refreshing on contacts- and played with tunnel entrance discriminations....It felt awesome! I only worked her for about 20 minutes or so broken up but it was really nice to see her out there again....
I have decided that she is well enough to race scenthurdle this weekend at the akc show in calgary...we are hopefully going to get a practice in tomorrow....
She was awesome! She was sooo excited to be out- she barked almost non-stop while we set up but once she was working she was very intent and did a great job. We worked on weave poles- which are coming along fantstically since setting up my backyard poles. We also did some refreshing on contacts- and played with tunnel entrance discriminations....It felt awesome! I only worked her for about 20 minutes or so broken up but it was really nice to see her out there again....
I have decided that she is well enough to race scenthurdle this weekend at the akc show in calgary...we are hopefully going to get a practice in tomorrow....
Monday, July 25, 2005
Well I had good intentions for tonite- I was going to train a bit with all three of my dogs- work on moving attention with Sam- heeling with Wicca and Signals with Kate....but...
I am dogsitting- a little pom x that is driving me crazy! I am so frustrated. This dog just does not shut up. Ever. Even with a bark collar- it barks even more every time it's zapped. Grrr....It is dog aggressive- they assured me it got along fine with other dogs and it is very possesive...not too mention it's a little nuts...they owners show up to drop him off and tell me- oh by the way- he won't where a collar, and will snap at you if you give him trouble.....Grrrr....So yesterday I put a collar on the dog- let him throw himself against the wall- bark and scream...Then I attached a leash....he freaked right out and stood there panting for about 7 minutes before deciding that the cookie across the room was worth it....Today he has been pretty good- getting used to being a dog, and then the barking started......Grrrr...He's a nice dog and I feel badly for him but geesh!
So I am cranky and it's not fair to my dogs so- here I am.....angry....
I am dogsitting- a little pom x that is driving me crazy! I am so frustrated. This dog just does not shut up. Ever. Even with a bark collar- it barks even more every time it's zapped. Grrr....It is dog aggressive- they assured me it got along fine with other dogs and it is very possesive...not too mention it's a little nuts...they owners show up to drop him off and tell me- oh by the way- he won't where a collar, and will snap at you if you give him trouble.....Grrrr....So yesterday I put a collar on the dog- let him throw himself against the wall- bark and scream...Then I attached a leash....he freaked right out and stood there panting for about 7 minutes before deciding that the cookie across the room was worth it....Today he has been pretty good- getting used to being a dog, and then the barking started......Grrrr...He's a nice dog and I feel badly for him but geesh!
So I am cranky and it's not fair to my dogs so- here I am.....angry....
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Those damn corgis'....
Well if it's not one thing it's another around here....Sam just about gave me a heart attack.
I was working on the computer- and the dogs were running around- in and out- playing loudly as normal....
And then they were quiet....
At first I didn't notice anything- went out, fed the cat, and started getting ready to go out- I called the dogs to kennel up and Sam looked like a BLIMP!
Right away I thought- oh god...he's bloating...but he didn't seem stressed or anxious and only slightly uncomfortable. Right away I phoned my clinic and as the phone is ringing I notice the food bin in the porch...over turned and empty...those damn corgis!
So instead of telling my vet I am on my way I ask them what I can do to make him throw up...
A teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and up came about 7 or 8 cups of food. His stomach is still full but isn't quite as tight and with already he is feeling a bit better...What a dough head...
It's not the first time my dogs have gotten into stuff- when Wicca was a baby - about 6 months or so she ate a whole 6lb bag of kitten food. She didn't get sick at all- and except for her abnormally large tummy there were no ill effects...Stomachs of Steel!
Kate is not one to get into stuff per say- she doesn't have a large appetite but she did once have an incident with a can- my parents were dogsitting and she grabbed a half full opened can of dog food off the counter- the lid wasn't completely off and she soon had her tongue wrapped around the lid...I wasn't there to see It thank god- but my mom phoned the vet right away and after using butter and slowly unwrapping her tongue she was okay- her gums and tongue were pretty swollen for a couple days but it could have been much worse....
Right now everything is peacful- Sam is sprawled out like beached whale digesting his food- Wicca is having a snooze and Kate is killing a tennis ball....All is well....At the moment.
I was working on the computer- and the dogs were running around- in and out- playing loudly as normal....
And then they were quiet....
At first I didn't notice anything- went out, fed the cat, and started getting ready to go out- I called the dogs to kennel up and Sam looked like a BLIMP!
Right away I thought- oh god...he's bloating...but he didn't seem stressed or anxious and only slightly uncomfortable. Right away I phoned my clinic and as the phone is ringing I notice the food bin in the porch...over turned and empty...those damn corgis!
So instead of telling my vet I am on my way I ask them what I can do to make him throw up...
A teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and up came about 7 or 8 cups of food. His stomach is still full but isn't quite as tight and with already he is feeling a bit better...What a dough head...
It's not the first time my dogs have gotten into stuff- when Wicca was a baby - about 6 months or so she ate a whole 6lb bag of kitten food. She didn't get sick at all- and except for her abnormally large tummy there were no ill effects...Stomachs of Steel!
Kate is not one to get into stuff per say- she doesn't have a large appetite but she did once have an incident with a can- my parents were dogsitting and she grabbed a half full opened can of dog food off the counter- the lid wasn't completely off and she soon had her tongue wrapped around the lid...I wasn't there to see It thank god- but my mom phoned the vet right away and after using butter and slowly unwrapping her tongue she was okay- her gums and tongue were pretty swollen for a couple days but it could have been much worse....
Right now everything is peacful- Sam is sprawled out like beached whale digesting his food- Wicca is having a snooze and Kate is killing a tennis ball....All is well....At the moment.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Well I set my poles up in the yard today- I should have had them up weeks ago!
I train using the chute method- where the dog runs down two lines of poles- and the two sets of poles get closer and closer until the dog is weaving. It does take a bit longer to teach- but the end results are awesome!
Wicca is almost weaving with them right together- just the entrance is open about 5 inches. I ran her through for the first time since before she was sick and she did great- she is so excited to work!
Sam is just learning- he is still running down the center- learning to find the entrance and to work away from me...
Kate is a pretty good weaver and she is the type of dog who works better without a lot of practice so when it is her turn to work with me- we jsut play with the frisbee....no home weaving for this girl...
I am hoping to get Wicca back to agility in the next few weeks....she is getting better every day- is back to normal food rations and is playing longer and longer every day. I hope to enter her in my friend Karin's trial in september and my goal is to have those weaves down-- she is almost there but even once they are closed there is still about four weeks of training to proof them and such....so even if she isn't weaving by then we can still do gamblers (my favorite) jumpers and snooker....just no standard runs...
I train using the chute method- where the dog runs down two lines of poles- and the two sets of poles get closer and closer until the dog is weaving. It does take a bit longer to teach- but the end results are awesome!
Wicca is almost weaving with them right together- just the entrance is open about 5 inches. I ran her through for the first time since before she was sick and she did great- she is so excited to work!
Sam is just learning- he is still running down the center- learning to find the entrance and to work away from me...
Kate is a pretty good weaver and she is the type of dog who works better without a lot of practice so when it is her turn to work with me- we jsut play with the frisbee....no home weaving for this girl...
I am hoping to get Wicca back to agility in the next few weeks....she is getting better every day- is back to normal food rations and is playing longer and longer every day. I hope to enter her in my friend Karin's trial in september and my goal is to have those weaves down-- she is almost there but even once they are closed there is still about four weeks of training to proof them and such....so even if she isn't weaving by then we can still do gamblers (my favorite) jumpers and snooker....just no standard runs...
Monday, July 18, 2005
more agility
I took Sam again to agility yesterday and he did really well- introduced the jump chute to him- in the hopes that we can prevent so much pole knocking....Also introduced him to the tire for the first time- he didn't believe us that it was a jump...it was pretty comical- he tried to walk over it rather than jump through it- and because it's a breakaway ti kept falling...He was finally starting to get the idea but what a goof...
I set my weaves up in my yard to get that going a bit faster- I have a feeling that Sam is going to catch up to Wicca pretty quick here.
My friend Sarah is a graphics designer person and she took some really great pics off Kate and then Sam for a new layout she is doing...Can't wait to see them...I will post them.
I am going to take Wicca to agility this week- let her play for just a few minutes and then put her away- she is getting better every day and is quite anxious to get back doing stuff....
I set my weaves up in my yard to get that going a bit faster- I have a feeling that Sam is going to catch up to Wicca pretty quick here.
My friend Sarah is a graphics designer person and she took some really great pics off Kate and then Sam for a new layout she is doing...Can't wait to see them...I will post them.
I am going to take Wicca to agility this week- let her play for just a few minutes and then put her away- she is getting better every day and is quite anxious to get back doing stuff....
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Agility, the Vet, and stuff....
I took Sam out to agility this morning and he did great! I have been working on contacts and targets in the back yard but haven't done a lot on real contact eguipment. We worked on the wall and the dogwalk- and he is starting to get the idea of bottoms. I am already finding that he doesn't test me as much as Wicca does- once or twice is all it takes...
I also started weaves today- I train the chute method and he seems to have no problem...I am going to dig my home set out and start training them at home to speed up the process a bit.
I took Kate aswell and she had fun- we worked on jumping sequences, front and rear crosses and weave pole entries...She worked pretty good and we had a good game with the "chuck it" after.
Wicca stayed home today- I don't feel that she is ready for that much excitement yet. I took her to the vet today for a check up and everything seems to be fine. The vet had said that it still feels like she has a lot of gas and fluids built up in her tummy but that should calm down soon. We also checked her heart- sometimes parvo will cause heart problems. It turns out that she does have a murmer- a mild one - less than a grade 1, and he thinks that she will outgrow it. In fact- he almost missed it- it is quite low on her heart- and very faint...a "whisper" he said....So yeah....things just keep getting better and better....but the vet said not to worry about it- treat her as normal and so on...I asked him about agility and stuff- let him know that it is pretty strenuous stuff and she has to work hard and he said that would be fine- he suspects that she had this murmer before- said that usually parvo related heart problems are much more severe....so....
I am feeling a little nervous about this...but I trust my vet- he has been really great through this whole thing...
we talked a bit about supplements today- he said to hold off for a bit yet- let her tummy and digestive tract get back to normal.
We also talked about her blood work- from the first appointment where the other vet misdiagnosed her with Pancreatitis- some of her levels were off a bit- and not related to parvo so next month I will take her in for another blood test to see if things are back to normal....
In among all of this I really need to get her spayed- before September.....forgot to talk to the vet about it though- will have to phone guess...
So that's my exciting new of the day....
I also started weaves today- I train the chute method and he seems to have no problem...I am going to dig my home set out and start training them at home to speed up the process a bit.
I took Kate aswell and she had fun- we worked on jumping sequences, front and rear crosses and weave pole entries...She worked pretty good and we had a good game with the "chuck it" after.
Wicca stayed home today- I don't feel that she is ready for that much excitement yet. I took her to the vet today for a check up and everything seems to be fine. The vet had said that it still feels like she has a lot of gas and fluids built up in her tummy but that should calm down soon. We also checked her heart- sometimes parvo will cause heart problems. It turns out that she does have a murmer- a mild one - less than a grade 1, and he thinks that she will outgrow it. In fact- he almost missed it- it is quite low on her heart- and very faint...a "whisper" he said....So yeah....things just keep getting better and better....but the vet said not to worry about it- treat her as normal and so on...I asked him about agility and stuff- let him know that it is pretty strenuous stuff and she has to work hard and he said that would be fine- he suspects that she had this murmer before- said that usually parvo related heart problems are much more severe....so....
I am feeling a little nervous about this...but I trust my vet- he has been really great through this whole thing...
we talked a bit about supplements today- he said to hold off for a bit yet- let her tummy and digestive tract get back to normal.
We also talked about her blood work- from the first appointment where the other vet misdiagnosed her with Pancreatitis- some of her levels were off a bit- and not related to parvo so next month I will take her in for another blood test to see if things are back to normal....
In among all of this I really need to get her spayed- before September.....forgot to talk to the vet about it though- will have to phone guess...
So that's my exciting new of the day....
Monday, July 11, 2005
Getting back to normal
Well after a very scary week I am working at getting my life back to normal. Wicca is doing awesome- It is almost like she wasn't ever sick. She is still not feeling 100% but way better than last week. While Wicca is recuperating I have been working with Sam much more seriously-. I have started some targeting work and also introduced the dumbbell and some scent work. He is such a happy worker! He has caught onto the touch stick very quickly and will follow it anywhere. I also just today started teaching him directionals- come by and away...in preperation for sheep this summer...
I played with Woo a bit today- fine tuning some tricks, working on directions, and a little bit of heeling. She really enjoyed it. I am never sure how much is too much but she usually lets me know when she is tired...She was still anxious to work when I put her away..
Kate and I just played frisbee. I usually take her to the park almost every day- just her and I- but all of the dogs are restricted to the house and yard for a the rest of the week so we had to settle for the back yard.
I am going to talk to the vet tomorrow and find out just how long Wicca is contagious for...and how long she and the others have to be housebound....
I played with Woo a bit today- fine tuning some tricks, working on directions, and a little bit of heeling. She really enjoyed it. I am never sure how much is too much but she usually lets me know when she is tired...She was still anxious to work when I put her away..
Kate and I just played frisbee. I usually take her to the park almost every day- just her and I- but all of the dogs are restricted to the house and yard for a the rest of the week so we had to settle for the back yard.
I am going to talk to the vet tomorrow and find out just how long Wicca is contagious for...and how long she and the others have to be housebound....
The below picture was taken the week before the lethbridge dog show by my good friend Liz...It is my favorite picture of Wicca- I love the intensity and thought I should share...

Thursday, July 07, 2005
Friday, July 01, 2005
Monday, June 27, 2005
You win some, you lose some....
Well the Lethbridge show is over...what along weekend! I am exhausted...
Saturday I had Kate in Novice C as a refresher and wow was she nervous- her heeling was beautiful but she blew the recall...and held her stays....what a weirdo...
Wicca did really well on Saturday- her heeling was very good and she was very up in the ring- happy as usual...her recall was so so- had a bad finish....her long sit was perfect...and then he thought she would throw in a twist on the long down...we will call it the stretch 'n crawl.....Cute- but not quite we had intended...
Scent hurdle racing was awesome! She did very good and was super excited....She earned 15 points towards her Scent title...
Sunday I pulled Kate, and Wicca once again had a good start...but due to my bad handling - I told her to stay rahter than wait so she was pretty confused..she came when I called her but got stuck in the middle- undecided if she was right or wrong....
Oh well- I was overall pleased with her- she had tonds of fun and I got to see some very cute little corgi babies....
Saturday I had Kate in Novice C as a refresher and wow was she nervous- her heeling was beautiful but she blew the recall...and held her stays....what a weirdo...
Wicca did really well on Saturday- her heeling was very good and she was very up in the ring- happy as usual...her recall was so so- had a bad finish....her long sit was perfect...and then he thought she would throw in a twist on the long down...we will call it the stretch 'n crawl.....Cute- but not quite we had intended...
Scent hurdle racing was awesome! She did very good and was super excited....She earned 15 points towards her Scent title...
Sunday I pulled Kate, and Wicca once again had a good start...but due to my bad handling - I told her to stay rahter than wait so she was pretty confused..she came when I called her but got stuck in the middle- undecided if she was right or wrong....
Oh well- I was overall pleased with her- she had tonds of fun and I got to see some very cute little corgi babies....
Monday, June 20, 2005
Practice, Practice....
Well a group of us got together today to run our dogs through- work out any kinks and just have a really good work out before the trial this weekend. Kate was not so good- she was happy but very goofy and by the time we got to the broad jump exercise she was very stressed...so, I am going to pull her this weekend rather than put her and me through the stress of the ring.
Wicca however was awesome. I am feeling really good about this weekend. She was very up on her heeling and her stand for exam was perfect. We also had a scent practice and she is amazing- it was the first time we had run altogether in a team in a long time and she was right on...Can't wait for the weekend!
Wicca however was awesome. I am feeling really good about this weekend. She was very up on her heeling and her stand for exam was perfect. We also had a scent practice and she is amazing- it was the first time we had run altogether in a team in a long time and she was right on...Can't wait for the weekend!
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Well even though I had good intentions I sure haven't posted much. It seems I am much too busy to even log on to the computer these days....Not that I don't mind being busy but sometime I think that it would be nice to do nothing....
I went to an "attention" seminar yesterday and it was alright. A good refresher I guess- a lot of what we talked about I do already but it was nice to hear it from someone else that what I am doing is right...It was mostly Chris Bach's theory about the attention game and it was kind of neat to see dogs who had no attention on their owners at the beginning at the end starting to really get it. Wicca of course was a little star (like I said we have been doing the attention game since she was a baby) Sam on the other hand was histarical. We had Maureen laughing so hard...When I got Sam the only thing he knew was to sit pretty- a cute trick but not something I encourage a lot from him- it is still his default behavior however so as he is sitting in front of me and I have the cookie he of course thinks ofay- so I am not getting the cookie this way she must want me to be cute- co up on his haunches he goes- Maureen says okay wait it out a bit and then break the exercise...So 30 seconds or so goes by and he is still a statue...you could just see his little corgi brain thinking...wow am I smart!
Kate got to stay home for some little R&R- she's not really into the whole group thing but the corgis sure had fun....
Well a week to go until lethbridge dog show and I am still feeling very doubtful about Kate....I am just not sure I want to ask her to go back into the ring again- she surely didn't enjoy it before but she has been training so well I want to try....We are going to practice for the next couple days and then give her wed-fri off...
Wicca however has been doing awesome- I am quite impressed with her and am hopeful about the weekend. I only have her entered in two trials- one sat, one sun....But depending on how Lethbridge goes I will send my entries away for AKC in calgary (august) there is a cardigan booster so it would be lots of fun.....
I went to an "attention" seminar yesterday and it was alright. A good refresher I guess- a lot of what we talked about I do already but it was nice to hear it from someone else that what I am doing is right...It was mostly Chris Bach's theory about the attention game and it was kind of neat to see dogs who had no attention on their owners at the beginning at the end starting to really get it. Wicca of course was a little star (like I said we have been doing the attention game since she was a baby) Sam on the other hand was histarical. We had Maureen laughing so hard...When I got Sam the only thing he knew was to sit pretty- a cute trick but not something I encourage a lot from him- it is still his default behavior however so as he is sitting in front of me and I have the cookie he of course thinks ofay- so I am not getting the cookie this way she must want me to be cute- co up on his haunches he goes- Maureen says okay wait it out a bit and then break the exercise...So 30 seconds or so goes by and he is still a statue...you could just see his little corgi brain thinking...wow am I smart!
Kate got to stay home for some little R&R- she's not really into the whole group thing but the corgis sure had fun....
Well a week to go until lethbridge dog show and I am still feeling very doubtful about Kate....I am just not sure I want to ask her to go back into the ring again- she surely didn't enjoy it before but she has been training so well I want to try....We are going to practice for the next couple days and then give her wed-fri off...
Wicca however has been doing awesome- I am quite impressed with her and am hopeful about the weekend. I only have her entered in two trials- one sat, one sun....But depending on how Lethbridge goes I will send my entries away for AKC in calgary (august) there is a cardigan booster so it would be lots of fun.....
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Wicca is definately ready for Lethbridge. She is doing great and seems to be enjoying the work. I was a bit worried about the stand for exam with her- seeing as how she is so wiggly but she truly knows what stay is all about and doesn't budge an inch. I will be training even harder over the next few weeks to get her heeling even better and am excited about going into the ring with her...
Sam is doing awesome. He will heel for about ten paces or so head up watching me and is very enthusiastic. I thnk he will be great fun once I start working him more. I have been taking him to the girls training sessions and he has been great around the other dogs- no barking, no lunging.. I think with him it was the fact that he probably had never met any other dogs until they dropped him off at the shelter and then learned that other dogs are scary...Now he barely even looks there way before looking at me to make sure its okay...what a clever boy....
Unfortunately I haven't been working with Kate as much as I would have liked. I sent her and Wicca's entry though so I should really get on it. She seems to be in good spirits when I have trained a bit so that is a good sign. I am a little bummed out that I didn't enter the regionals this year. I just didn't have the money at the time and was a little worried I would have a replay of last years- where Kate was the worst I have ever seen her- spooking at judges, leaving the rings, knocking bars....So this year I decided not to bother. Maybe next year...
I am planning on doing some training this afternoon so I will probably have some things to say later...
Sam is doing awesome. He will heel for about ten paces or so head up watching me and is very enthusiastic. I thnk he will be great fun once I start working him more. I have been taking him to the girls training sessions and he has been great around the other dogs- no barking, no lunging.. I think with him it was the fact that he probably had never met any other dogs until they dropped him off at the shelter and then learned that other dogs are scary...Now he barely even looks there way before looking at me to make sure its okay...what a clever boy....
Unfortunately I haven't been working with Kate as much as I would have liked. I sent her and Wicca's entry though so I should really get on it. She seems to be in good spirits when I have trained a bit so that is a good sign. I am a little bummed out that I didn't enter the regionals this year. I just didn't have the money at the time and was a little worried I would have a replay of last years- where Kate was the worst I have ever seen her- spooking at judges, leaving the rings, knocking bars....So this year I decided not to bother. Maybe next year...
I am planning on doing some training this afternoon so I will probably have some things to say later...
Monday, May 23, 2005
When I first got Wicca I knew that being a corgi barking would be something that I would really have to work on. Overall, she is not too bad -saving the majority of her barking to tell me off on course or when we are scent hurdle racing, she is pretty good at home and in her kennel. However, I have used a bark collar on her before and it worked very welll. I haven't used it in quite a while but am thinking of dusting it off for Sam. In the house and in life is actually a very quiet dog but when I am working them in the backyard they each have a turn and are expected to wait quietly in the dog run until their turn. Sam hasn't figured out the quietly part...He doesn't care too much about the dogs themselves, I think it is more the fact that they are having fun and he isn't. Today he went ballistic while I was working with Kate and the broad jump- throwing himself against the pen and barking histarically...I calmly put Kate in a downstay and asked him to be quite. No response- stopped heaving himself against the gate but the barking continued...I thought for a minute...what would be the best way to deal with this...In the end I decided that I would ask him once more and if he didn't respond follow it up with something negative- namely me marching over grabbing him out of the run and putting him in the house. He therefore had to forfeit his second turn...poor bugger....
His first "turn" went very well though- we worked on some attention work and some puppy calisthenics (fast sit, down, stand- in any order) so I was a little dissapointed not to work him again but thought that he needed to miss out to get the point....
So- instead of having to go through all that I think that the "collar" may have to come out of the closet..
His first "turn" went very well though- we worked on some attention work and some puppy calisthenics (fast sit, down, stand- in any order) so I was a little dissapointed not to work him again but thought that he needed to miss out to get the point....
So- instead of having to go through all that I think that the "collar" may have to come out of the closet..
Friday, May 20, 2005
Weekend Plans
This weekend I am going to start working with Sam a bit more- I have given him a few weeks to just be a dog and adjust to the household. I have started some clicker basics and have worked a bit on sit and down- but haven't done too much other than that. So my plans for sam this weekend is to start with stationary attention and some retrieving stuff....
Wicca has been doing great lately- what a different dog now that she is burning off some of that energy with Sam.
Wicca has been doing great lately- what a different dog now that she is burning off some of that energy with Sam.
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