Sarah wrote a huge long blog post yesterday about what she needs to do with her guys in preparation of regionals. Until that moment I hadn't really thought about things specific for that. I mean, I have a list a mile long for Wicca just to improve overall- but regionals specific I hadn't really thought of....
Regionals is comprised of Masters Level Standard, Jumpers and Gamblers. There is also a Steeplechase competition on Friday. Last year I qualified by the hair on Wicca's tail. I think we were three or four points over the required 300. This year the points are raised to 350. Which is better than when it was 400....
Anyway- Wicca and I have a whole wack of things to work on already, but when you add in the Regional Specific things my list expands almost by half....
General List
Go On- I need to work more at this.
Close- this is mostly for use on the snooker course...thank freakin' god there is no snooker at regionals!!!
Wrap- not so much a verbal cue, but this is where we will knock a bar.
Weave Entries- easy and fast seem to trip her up. I am going to keep a gate on the first pole for a few weeks.
Distance- Wicca has good distance but we have lost some of it since we have been working on keeping her close and focused on me....I need that back!
Obstacle Discrimination- Wicca generally is very good, but I want to refresh her memory, as well as work on just verbal cues alone so that I could rely on that if I needed to (i.e a gamble)
Perfecting my off arm flip ;o)- follow through, don't be casual
Running with more intensity, be abrupt and use shoulders more- I am a casual kinda girl running an intense dog...we need to meet in the middle...
Front Crosses- work hard on being able to get there....
Start lines, and getting set up- Wicca hasn't broken a start line in a really long time, but she is starting to push and with all the trials coming up I need to get back to being solid on the stay...
Directionals- she can do left and right on the flat and over one jump- but I need to put it into practice. I have a hard time with this as I can't picture myself ever using it on course- but for a gamble...and well, gambles are important so I'm gonna work hard at it...
I am sure there is something I have forgotten....but you get the gist!
Regional Specific-
Masters Standard- we just moved to masters standard so I am still learning how to handle her on even tighter courses...
Maximize Time- you get points for being under time. Wicca is fast so I never worry about time, but to get more points I need to work on keeping lines tight, and pushing for even more speed.
Gamble Scenarios- Wicca is a great gamblers dog, but I need to work on gambles with jumps, and weaves. She is pretty solid on contacts- but we will work these as well.
Serpentines, Threadles, Pull Throughs, Push Throughs.....uh huh...don't those sounds fun?
Jump Work- now that we are outside I intend to go back and do some more jump work. She has been improving alot but I would really hate for her to fall back on old habits.
Course Analysis- I suck.....and worrry about getting lost...there is no table at regionals...it makes me sad. I want my 5 seconds to think...
We have lots of work ahead of us!!!