I know there are some people who do give away dogs on a regular basis. It happens in dogs all the time. Breeders especially seem to always have dogs coming and going. I understand this- keep the best, place the rest. That's what breeders are doing afterall (or should be doing) breeding only the best. But I do wish that all breeders were responsible as to where "the rest" are going.
Dog Sports are even worse- people on the search for the perfect dog often cycle through 10 or 20 before finding "the one." This annoys the hell out of me. Frankly I cannot stand it, and try very hard to not be friends, or even friendly with people who do this. If it takes you 20 dogs to finally get the dog that can get you to worlds- are you a good trainer? Or just lucky?
And then you have the general public who seem to be able to give away dogs without a second thought. Check out your local online ads- Kijiji is always interesting, and very sad. Do you know how many calls I get a week of people looking to surrender their dogs to rescue? More than a few. (and I live in a small city)
The excuses are usually the same...
My kids are allergic
I'm having a baby
I don't have time
I'm moving
I can't afford it
She got too big
She growls at the kids
She's too hyper
the list can go on, and on, and on....
It saddens me, and makes me nauseous. I just don't get it. It is hard not to judge.
It is even harder to stomach when it happens to a dog that you know. The dog in question came through rescue two years ago. A young, hyper dog who needed work. We found her a perfect home where she has been loved, well exercised, and well trained. Now, she is looking for a home. Her owner is unwilling to deal with her on leash dog issues. The dog is easily overstimulated by other dogs when the owner is present. She lunges and snarls, and has gotten into her fair share of dogfights. The owner is not willing to work with her anymore. She feels that there is no hope, and that it is not fair to the dog, or to herself. I started out having sympathy. After all, this person has tried VERY hard with the dog, and has provided her with a great home. But then my sympathy ran out. I do not care that it is hard. You committed to the dog. You LOVED the dog. How can you just give her away? The dog in question is coming back to me. She will be placed in a dogsmart foster home, and sit there for months probably until we stumble upon someone who is willing to love her unconditionally. It makes me so sad.
I am serious in that I could never, ever do it. I have dogs of my own that aren't quite what I wanted- but I love them. How could I look at myself in the mirror after trading them in for a better model? Does it annoy me that Vito is too lazy for agility, and that Boone is spooky, and unreliable? Yes. But would I place them in a "pet" home just because they don't live up to my expectations? Never.
Anyway, just needed to rant. It has been an upsetting week. I just don't think I will ever understand.