So aside from being New Years Eve Day, it is also my birthday. I am 26. I am not a party girl type of person- nor am I the type for big celebrations. I spent the day doing things I like to do with people I like.
I went for another dogrun walk today- I met with Jolene, Sandy, and Wendy at Peenaquim park and we had a blast. Between the four of us we had 11 dogs!!! Good thing the park wasn't busy today! Wicca had a good time looking for the "mouse" that she was sure was buried in the snow. Pixel and Perkins had fun chasing each other- Perkins was much happier today at the park then yesterday- must have been his cool new sweater! Vito again followed Lacey around.
Spent some time this afternoon with my little nephew Nolen- and had a good visit with my sister- I hope to get new baby pics soon!
I had dinner with my parents- Chinese food which wasn't half bad. :o) Don't worry no food touched, and no, I didn't eat the noodles. :o)
Tonite Wendy and I are heading over to Jolene's to play games and have a few drinks. I'll be at home and in bed with the dogs by the time midnight comes around!
A perfect day!
Tomorrow we are going to the reserve to pick up three frozen pup-sicles....hopefully they are okay one more night!
Oh- I think I have watched my own video about 100 times already. I really like it. Didn't even make me cry. :o)