Apparently Boone needs more work. Lol. He was not very good and I bet that Saturday will be interesting. He is one of those dogs that just space out when they are overwhelmed or over stimulated. He did pretty good for the first few signs and them went into zombie mode and he really struggled. Poor dude. If the course is beyond what I think he can handle I will pull him.
The girls were great. Pixels heeling is so wonderful. I could seriously watch her heel all day. She is very smooth and fluid and oh so pretty. She was a tad distracted by some stuff on the floor but was able to refocus. This will be her first time in advanced but I am not worried at all. The actual stations were pretty great- fast sits, and lots of confidence.
Wicca was great, although I will have to watch for anticipation on her finishes. We are going to try for her first RAE leg so will do one advanced and one excellence course. Should be interesting!
Jo and I are heading up super duper early Saturday morning- it's gonna be a long day! But it will be very fun- the show is being held at Spruce Meadows and is the biggest outdoor CKC show in Canada. There are a million rings, and LOTS of shopping. :)
On a totally unrelated note my friend michelle took this photo on our hike last weekend. Boone is my little shadow- not often straying very far- apparently even when there is a whole mountain to explore. :)