Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Gamble Work

Boone came out last night and I have never been more proud of this dog. He did GREAT! We managed to actually train and it was great to see him so confident.
We worked on basic sending to a tunnel and did the standard jump,tunnel,jump type gamble.
He is a huge tunnel suck so I set that up for him and he did pretty great! He sucked twice to the tunnel but when I used my goodie container to help through the "critical" detour to the tunnel he was succesful. Keep in mind that a mere Uh Oh, was all he got for taking the tunnel.
And then we worked on weaves. He is getting very good at home, but as with all things with Boone it takes a while to transfer to new places. He did great and weaved four poles, from a standstill and from a tunnel jump...Yay for Boonie!
We also worked on individual contacts- a-frame and dogwalk. He is a little unsure on the upside of the dogwalk so I am doing lots of jackpotting at the top...
Oh- and of course we didn't do all of these things one right after the other. We worked for our 2-4 minutes and then he took a break.
What good dogs I have!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tonite we are going to practice some Gambles... Sarah designed them for our games class, but also for us to practice on...we will go early tonite to train before teaching....

Monday, May 26, 2008
Rainy Weekend
The first course was Novice- Wicca did amazing and received a 99- it would have been a perfect 100, except I let her go around a sign at the very end...Stupid, I know. Regardless we came in Jane. Jane was 2 seconds faster with the same score!!! Boone got an 84, he was very unsure about the down,walk around dog exercise- something to work on at home I guess!!! I was very proud of him though- he was happy, excited, and not at all phased by the new venue. Vito got a 76, but really should have NQ'd...he sniffed, alot. But we had fun anyways!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Oh Joy....
The dogs deal with the rain and resulting mud all differently..
Rain also means more work for me...
Thursday, May 22, 2008
This was during Boone's jumpers run...he looks like he is concentrating hard!

I was so proud of Wicca's weave pole entries on the weekend...Sarah captured the best picture ever- the grass, the bent pole, her shoulder slamming into the's all part of Wicca being Wicca....

you can see more on Sarah's Flickr site:
Monday, May 19, 2008
Agility Weekend
The Flashing Canines put on a great trial and although it was hot it still was fun. The venue was new to them and was very nice- it was on a baseball diamond that actually had quite a lot of shade from the trees. Shade was a hot commodity all weekend- thank goodness for shade tents!
The dogs all did great and I was very proud of them. Wicca's weaves are much better. We still had a few missed entries but not nearly as many as the last trial. Her bar knocking is still the same which is frustrating, but my handling has improved and she is responding much better. Boone had lots of fun and I was so proud of him- he met lots of people, and did great with the new place. Thankfully we were far away from any busy roads, and although he left the ring twice he came back both times. On two of his runs I made the choice to just make it up, run a short sequence and reward- it worked great for him and really kept his motivation up.
Here is a re-cap of the runs from the weekend..
Masters Gamble- got the mini gamble twice, and lots of points- 84. The gamble was super easy so we got it no problem. I think that it like her 5th masters gamble Q...
The Standards were a bust for one reason or another. All had great moments, usually followed by a knocked bar. Her weave pole entries were great though...mostly :o) Her Standard 3 was pretty horrible and I made her leave when she twice popped the poles. Bad Wiccie.
Standard- can't remember which one- the fourth I think. She had a great run despite her table and knocked bar. I am very proud of how well I handled my dog this weekend.
Masters Team- was a great course with two sets of 6 weaves. Wicca weaved great- but we had an off course. Gyp of course ran her side clean :o)
Advanced Snooker- We Q'd!! Yup. Can you freakin' believe it!!!! This from the dog that took years to get out of we move up to masters snooker....What a dog!! Oh, and it was a great run. Three Sevens- which were weaves, and we made it all the way to the end- earning 51 points...woohoo!
Advanced Jumpers- was a bust. Wicca was a complete moron and smashed into four bars before I stopped her. This was the last run of the weekend- and she was pretty frantic.
did great and had lots of fun- he was a little overwhelemed during a few of the runs, but came back to me and was happy to keep trying!!
Standards- we had two great standard runs. He was a little distracted at first but was moving along at a good pace. He had no problem moving ahead of me and his obstacle commitment was much better.
Jumpers- he moved up to advanced jumpers after that last trial and it was a bit difficult for him so we only ran half the course. He did great though- we have to work on keeping him from going so wide though- he has a large stride for a small dog and gets carried away sometimes.
Gamblers- he Q'd! Yay Boonie!! We got the mini gamble once, and between that and the 4 point obstacle we had just enough points. He got the gamble no problem! What a good boy!
Vito came along for the ride and did great in the socialising department. I think mostly he was bored but he was trooper and hardly complained. He got lots of attention and of course cookies! He managed to escape out of his crate when I was running Wicca and made it all the way onto the field!! Thanks to such a nice judge we got a re-run although she didn't have to give me one becuase it was my dog who got loose!!!
Vito's Trial Debute
Friday, May 16, 2008
After the motion...
Wicca Gophered
And ran around
Objects are FASTER than they appear...
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
A difference...
So last night I was determined to make sure that he snapped out of his little funk. I didn't feed him at all- and brought out the "big guns"- his goodie container filled with hotdog...
I had to work hard to get him up but once he was there he did great!!!! He loves to chase the goodies, and will wait expectantly at the container for me to get there to open it. So we played some chase games- sit, throw the goodies. nose touch- throw the goodies. tunnel- throw the goodies. Sarah helped me to find the exact time- 2 minutes- before he reaches his max. I put him away and brought Wicca out. After about 10 minutes Boone was beside himself and really wanted to come out. I teased him with the container and off we went- he weaved 12 poles beautifully! They first time he popped the last 2 poles, I resent him and he was great! I was so happy with him. I brought him out a total of four times- each time working on something different- contacts, table and jumping.
I really need to be careful with him- and take in everything that is around him. I can't believe how frustrated I was yesterday. He had been doing so well, I was upset that there was yet another "thing" that I couldn't figure out. Of course once I sat down and went through everything I came up with the solution.
I have even come up with a game plan to help him get over his rain thing. I will start him in the place he feels most comfortable, (my yard) feeding him outside in the rain, playing in the rain, walking in the rain....and then work up to at the daycare in the outside area, and then out to the field. I don't think it is something that will bother him forever and I am sure that he will get over it.
Wicca did great last night- we ran the course we set for class and it felt good and looked good. We had two bars, but no off courses and my handling was pretty decent. Her weaves were flawless and I really pushed her through them. I am feeling pretty good about us lately!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Toys, Toys, Toys
Friday, May 09, 2008
'tis lots of fun....
Thursday, May 08, 2008
A little Walk....
rolling in gross stuff
and just wrestling and running around
We walked for maybe 45 minutes. I initially had debated about bringing Sam but decided he could use the chance to just be a dog. He held up like a trooper and was good about staying close and not over doing it. The dogs all had a great swim- both Sam and Wicca were thrilled to have someone (Rayna) throwing things for them...Here are some more assorted photos- I also published some on my flickr site:
handsome boonie...
Kato full out....notice the one foot on the ground!!!
My favorite picture of the day....
All the dogs are dead tired now, but still of course needed baths after a run like that! Wicca smelled like something dead and Vito was an attractive shade of green. I think Boone brought back all of the burrs he could find, and Sam was just dirty all over.
Boone's Jumpers Run
Thanks Sarah for publishing the video for me!
101 Things...
Bosley of course made short work of his box and it was pretty flattened and chewed up by the time he was done with it!!! I guess that's the difference between a Collie and a Berner!!!
I brought Sam out to play and he had a great time poking, jumping, standing in the box- Sam is a great thinker and quickly will start offering behaviors...all to earn a little click. The box is a great way to hone your shaping skills and of course practice your timing!!!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Saturday, May 03, 2008
I set up a double box and put the tunnels on either end of the contacts.
weave pole entries- set up tunnels on either side- raced her through- used food and toys on the ground as distraction. 8 REPS- 7 succesful. Woohoo Wiccie!
180's- wanted to tighten up her path a bit as she tends to go a little wide- also wanted to push for bar knocking. I used the tunnels to build up speed and that is when we had some mistakes.
threadle- she is much better at responding now and we did 2 reps with no bars.
using the box for front cross practice- I did very good and practiced my timing alot. There isn't really alot of room for error with Wicca and I was overall pleased with how we did. My timing is still off- but Wicca did good despite me ;o)
Straight line jumping- practicing Go On's...Vito is energy efficient and after three reps decided that he had had enough. Cookie or not he went a layed in the shade.
Dogwalk- using tunnels to build speed. He did great- and I am working on increasing his drive and speed without me in the picture all the time. I worked on sending him ahead, and also me runnning by- which was hard for him but he did get it after a few reps.
I wanted to work on weave poles but I didn't want to over do it either so ended with him before I got to the poles. Next time I will start with the poles.
did great!! he actually was able to work and learn. He was still worried but I kept moving with him, kept him focused on me and we got a fair amount of work done.
I noticed at the trial that Boone kind of hesitated up the dogwalk- I had never seen him do that before so I started with that and what do you know- he does hesitate- just a second or so, but enough for me to notice. I did some backchaining, racing and jackpotting for fast and smooth- no worrying.
Contacts- played the happiest place game- which he loves, and worked on his "target" behaviour without me in the picture. I need for him to be able to do things himself. I am going to practice more on my stairs at home because once he understands what I want he won't forget again. He's just that kind of dog.
Go Ons, Pin Wheels and Speed. - Using his goodie container really pumps him up so we worked on pin wheels, and forward drive down a line of jump. I am also teaching him how to find a line- even if it is not obvious so we are doing lots of pattern training.
Overall I was happy with all three of them. They each got about 15 minutes of actual work time- Wicca of course would have done much more, but I like to work on specific type things