Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wow, your dog is Amy Winehouse!
Amy Winehouse
Out of Control Talent
Talent, talent, talent, baby! Overflowing with talent, almost to the point of just not knowing where to put it all, Wicca is Amy Winehouse!
Mmm-hmm, you go, girlfriend! With a voice that stops hearts and moves souls, Wicca's soothing sounds and funky furstyles are taking the animal world by storm. Perhaps a little overwhelmed by all of the attention, Wicca can occasionally get herself into a little trouble, but it's nothing she can't dig her way out of with help from her loving friends and family. Her flamboyant lifestyle receives a ton of attention from the media, but her shooting star talent keeps Wicca in the flow and on the go!
Monday, April 28, 2008
P'n'E trial
oh, and I know Sarah is itching to scream it from the roof tops- Gyp had the fastest time in Masters Jumpers. Uh Huh. Really. Beat the lab, the bc's, the bearded collies. Sarah had nice tight lines, her threadle was perfect and yup. Fastest time. Too bad Amanda missed it when she was getting Kaleb ready.
Our students all did great and between us all we brought home 25 Q's this weekend! It was awesome to see our students do so great- Maggie, Tag, Stoker, BB, and Pearlie all did great!
Okay- onto my news.
Wicca was a little wild after being off for a few weeks. She didn't have any really stupid moments however the theme of the weekend was off course. ;o) She really wasn't taking direction very well, and perhaps part of that is my handling. We have lots of things to work on! Thank freakin' god the snow melted on the weekend.
So you will never beleive it but Wicca earned an Advanced Snooker Q. Yup. That's right. The dog who took 2 years to earn one lousy starters snooker q, earned an advanced one just like that. It was a great snooker though- the number 7 combo was tunnel, tunnel, weave. and the number 6 was a teeter. So I did two 7's and a 6....we made it to the end of 6 before the whistle. Go Wiccie Go!
Team tri color b*thches did great and we earned our first Masters Team Q- I told Sarah that she is never allowed to fault because Wicca and I need those five faults- and true to form we blew a weave entry right off the bat. Thank god for the five fault rule in team!
Steeplechase and Standards both had off courses, and knocked bars. Over the whole weekend I think she knocked about 5. Which isn't horrible, but it's not very good. Jump Grids, Jump Grids, Jump Grids...coming our way!
Masters Gamblers was very difficult and there wasn't much in the way of points. The 4 point obstacle was a jump so after we knocked that the first time around I tried to get points via contacts. We got the gamble no problem- although for some reason not too many did! - but we were short two points. ;o(
And as I blogged about earlier this week I entered Boone in two events. A standard on Saturday and Jumpers on Sunday. He has been to the barn before and is quite comfortable there. He didn't have a fright all weekend, and was happy and tail wagging the whole time! I was so proud of him just in general. One of the Judges is a Pyr Shep breeder- so I got to meet his little dog Loki- who is super cute and is very fast, and very wild
I am still training weaves so I knew that if there were 12 weaves I would pass them- there were so when I walked the course I planned to not do them. Boone ran it great! He held his start line, had lots of forward focus and he was happy! Not stressed at all, just happy. He had poor commitment to the a-frame and I resent him up. His table was cute, but he thought five seconds was too long- ;o) We'll have to work on that! He had a great time and I was very happy with him.
Sunday he sat around all day- Jumpers was the last event of the weekend- so we played alot while we waited- he showed off his tricks and just had an all around good time visiting. I got the comment "he's the friendliest Pyr Shep...." alot. Which makes me feel really good as I have worked very hard with this dog. Pyr Shep or not he is not allowed to act like a dork. Anyway- the jumpers course was very easy, 15 obstacles, nice and smooth. The only "difficult" part for novice dogs would be the 180 off a pinwheel. I also needed to lead out a little more- and crossed my fingers that he would be okay with it.
He did awesome. He ran faster than he has ever before (26.07 and the fastest time in Starters) and we Q'd! Everyone was very happy for the little guy as they all remember him when I first got him. I was so proud of him it almost made me cry! He has really changed alot and has turned into a great dog.
I am very happy with both dogs- and the trial was a good way to see what I have to work on. Wicca's wraps were great- her discrimination was OK. And her start line sucked. We have lots to work on!
With Boone we are going to tackle the weave pole issues, get his contacts down, and teach him a rear cross! Hopefully we can get him over his nervousness at the field. I will keep you all posted!
Wicca- Adc. Snooker Q! 43 Points
Mas Team- 63.10 Q- wicca 5 faults/weave entries
Stplechase 1/2 - OFF COURSE, knocked bar
Standard 1/2- OFF COURSE, knocked bars.
Mas. Gamblers- really hard opening- not very many points. got the gamble but short two points! That has never happened before. Knocked double abd 2 singles. Would have had enough points!
Adv. Jumper- awesome run, knocked bar.
Std. 1- didn't commit to a-frame, got up on table. Good jump commitment and forward focus. hesitant teeter.
Jumpers- did awesome! A little wide on turns, but much more confident than Saturday. Q!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Vito is a very clicker savvy little dog so teaching him things is pretty easy. I started waiting to see what he would offer- of course it was all related to lying down! (down is his default) anyway- so I got a chin rest on the ground, a paw over the eyes, a laying on his side, and a roll over. I am going to work on building those behaviours up to put on cue. The hard part is finding names for the new tricks! I am going to use Sad for the chin on the ground (cause he looks very pitiful) and for the paw over his eyes I am going use shame. Bang for laying on his side, (as in bang you're dead) and roll over for roll over- creative eh?
I am teaching Sam to walk slowly- step by step- literally. He is pretty good and now I am going to do the same thing for backing up- he knows how to back up but it is a rush and he hurls himself backwards like some sort of possesed dog. I want the step by step. We'll see if he can figure it out (and how good my timing is!!!)
Wicca is learning to walk in pace with me- between my feet. I am calling it "Saddle Up" ;o)
She is getting more comfortable about it and is starting to understand what I want. And I am teaching Go On at home even though I have no equipment. She is learning to run straight out and look for the toy- a classic Kaleb move ;o)
Boone is still learning the names for his tricks that he knows. He loves the reverse trick where he spins and backs up between your legs. It is kind of frustrating because he will do this for no reason and on no cue- so we are working on only offering the trick I ask for. Left and Right Spinning, back up, take a bow....cute little things ;o) Boone adores tricks. It makes him very happy. (which makes me happy!)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Initially there were going to be two funmatches this weekend too- Saturday was going to be GDG's- but we have five inches of snow covering the a-frame. And sunday was supposed to be one in Calgary- but again the snow created problems. (traveling is not advised at the moment)
Anyway, I am not too concerned about Wicca missing the training time- up until the first weekend in April we had been training hard and often- so the few weeks off probably were good for her. I am sure the trial will be fun regardless of how well we do. (It always is!)
Boone on the other hand really could use the training time. I am not quite sure what I was thinking when I entered him. I think that I hadn't planned on how badly he would react in the training field. My plan is to still take him but I will be making his two runs short and very fun. I am going to pick a path that will work for him and run out of the ring to have a party. His second run is jumpers - and we have been working on commitment and increasing the value of a jump in my living room with my old PVC set.
We shall see anyway!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
My dogs were very, very happy to see me last night- even Wicca cuddled with me for most of the night! Vito made his cute happy noises and Sam was amazingly quiet (with the help of a toy in his mouth) I missed them alot and was pretty happy to be sleeping in my own bed!!!
Holidays are fun, but it is always nice to be home!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Get A Grip
we will now return to our regular programming.......
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Busy Weekend
Saturday we went herding and had a blast- as usual! I decided that the boys would benefit more than Wicca at this point so just teased her by letting her come and watch- and not get to play. Mean. I know ;o)
Boone was first and he did great- he was confident and very bossy. It is so neat to see him like that as normally he is the meekest of all my dogs. He had no problem getting them out of the corners- and is really starting to figure out what I want from him. He is very good at moving out and around them and is far better at understanding the sheep than I am!
Vito was a little bugger and had lots of "bad" moments- he was pretty much chasing them around like a mad man until Scott beaned him with the bag. After that he cued into what we wanted from him. He is learning to be calm around them and to move away from the pressure.
Jenny took a few pictures- you can see them on her website. Otherwise- no pictures!! Jolayne went for the first time with her dog Tag and he did awesome! I videod for her and she videoed each of the boys- so I will post that when I get it.
Today I went out for a few hours of training and got a ton done with each dog. I was there for about three hours and did pretty much everything that was on my list.
Vito hasn't had much training in the way of agility lately so I did a lot with him- broken up of course into small five minute sessions. We worked on contacts- the dog walk- sending him ahead of me. I used a pole in the ground to send him around and then to C/T for speed across the dogwalk. I used food on the target- and he was totally into that. ;o)
We also worked on jumping- straight line to a tunnel and back up the line to the toy. And- he tugged- yup. He really liked his wubba today and was fetching and tugging. I was very happy with him. We worked on the teeter and the a-frame as well.
Wicca worked on weave entries. We did pull throughs, and worked on distance for gambles. I also worked on getting rid of the creep and curl on the dogwalk when I am far behind or not moving. It worked great- and she had lots of fun. I worked on wrapping jumps too- and did some box work. She knocked only two bars the whole time and had a lot of success.
It was a very productive day and I was happy with how the session went. I got some great pictures!
note- wicca was very happy to be back in the field and is doing her best to keep those gophers in line!
Thursday, April 03, 2008

I only took Wicca out- the boys all stayed home much to their dismay.
I am going herding tomorrow and initially had planned to take the three dogs- but now have to cut it down to one time slot so can take either just Wicca, or the two boys....I am still not sure which dog I will take. Wicca of course is the dog that I would like to get some herding titles on- but that won't be this summer for sure anyway. I think that it is good confidence for Vito and Boone- and that is something they both need. They had so much fun last is a hard decision....