Saturday, July 16, 2005

Agility, the Vet, and stuff....

I took Sam out to agility this morning and he did great! I have been working on contacts and targets in the back yard but haven't done a lot on real contact eguipment. We worked on the wall and the dogwalk- and he is starting to get the idea of bottoms. I am already finding that he doesn't test me as much as Wicca does- once or twice is all it takes...
I also started weaves today- I train the chute method and he seems to have no problem...I am going to dig my home set out and start training them at home to speed up the process a bit.
I took Kate aswell and she had fun- we worked on jumping sequences, front and rear crosses and weave pole entries...She worked pretty good and we had a good game with the "chuck it" after.

Wicca stayed home today- I don't feel that she is ready for that much excitement yet. I took her to the vet today for a check up and everything seems to be fine. The vet had said that it still feels like she has a lot of gas and fluids built up in her tummy but that should calm down soon. We also checked her heart- sometimes parvo will cause heart problems. It turns out that she does have a murmer- a mild one - less than a grade 1, and he thinks that she will outgrow it. In fact- he almost missed it- it is quite low on her heart- and very faint...a "whisper" he said....So yeah....things just keep getting better and better....but the vet said not to worry about it- treat her as normal and so on...I asked him about agility and stuff- let him know that it is pretty strenuous stuff and she has to work hard and he said that would be fine- he suspects that she had this murmer before- said that usually parvo related heart problems are much more
I am feeling a little nervous about this...but I trust my vet- he has been really great through this whole thing...
we talked a bit about supplements today- he said to hold off for a bit yet- let her tummy and digestive tract get back to normal.

We also talked about her blood work- from the first appointment where the other vet misdiagnosed her with Pancreatitis- some of her levels were off a bit- and not related to parvo so next month I will take her in for another blood test to see if things are back to normal....
In among all of this I really need to get her spayed- before September.....forgot to talk to the vet about it though- will have to phone guess...
So that's my exciting new of the day....

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