I took him (and the others) for a walk around a quiet park this afternoon- in hopes that he'd relax enough to get a nice photo of him and the amazing frost we have right now...
Well, I got some pictures of the frost...and a scared Boone. Neither of these pictures were posed, I was trying to get him to play fetch, or interact with the other dogs...or something. But no. He said he'd rather stand like a statue until the torture is over.
It's strange because we've walked around this lake a lot, and he's always pretty happy. But the moment I stop and ask him to engage with me he isn't able to. I have a lot of work ahead of me this year...
If you hadnt of writen that he was scared, I wouldnt have known. I really like the pictures. It just looks like he is thinking, taking it all in. Diana
I really like the bottom photo. He looks very regal in that picture. Had you not said he was upset we might not have realized it. Lovely.
I like them, !!
I think Boone's coloring looks really neat with the frosted landscape!
I agree the colours of Boone and the background look so nice. It's like you planned it all that way.
Great pics! You did a great job with a dog that didn't really want his pic taken. I have a couple that do that, its a lot of work to get a pic I like our dynamic in too!
would not have known he was worried, He looks like " here we go again, hope she's finished soon"
Nice shots
Yeah, he looks to me, too, like he's pondering the great unknowables. I particularly like the one of him on the bench--his fur and the wood and the background all give an artistic monochromatic look to the photo. Which matches his serious demeanor.
You did a god job in taking a picture of your dog. He seems to be pretty serious.
cedar hope chests
Personally, we like the pictures. Very regal.
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