Monday, November 02, 2009


Wicca is on a heeling diet (due to her neck)- but I am still planning on going to the Obedience trial this weekend. We won't have practiced in two weeks- but I think heeling is one of those things that you either have, or you don't. Wicca is a great heeler so I don't forsee any issues on the heeling exercises. This will be her third time in the open ring.

The first time was three/four (?) years ago- she walked on the broad jump, came painfully slow on the recall, and petered out on the heeling. The second time was last year- she did very well and did everything but the long sit. She shuffled forward and then lay down only a few seconds into it. We had a funmatch over a month ago and she rocked it. So I am feeling pretty confident. If anything it will be the stays that get us. :o)

I only entered her once each time- and this weekend is no different. Once is enough stress for me! :o) So Saturday afternoon she is doing Open, and Saturday morning and Sunday she is doing Rally. She needs two Advanced legs for her Advanced title.

Boone is entered aswell- this is his first time in Advanced Rally. I have been practicing lots with him and he understands all the exercises and we've worked on proofing for the judge etc. Last time he was spooked by the judge following us so we've been working on that.

Pixel is coming along too- although she isn't entered in anything. I still have to get a microchip that the CKC approves to get her CKC #. But it will be a good experience for her- I will have lots of extra time to work her beside the rings etc.

Should be a fun weekend- although I get way more nervous for Obedience than I do for agility.


Elf said...

Good luck! Obedience is so much more picky than agility about little nit things that shouldn't be important--it would make me nervous, too. I'm sure you'll do fine, though.

Dawn said...

You will do great as long as you remember to have fun. Good luck, we will be watching for updates.

Jules said...

Good luck this weekend!!