Tuesday, March 30, 2010

no title can explain......

It is only Wednesday and I am exhausted. I've worked exrta long hours at work for three days now. And teach in the evenings- often for 3 or more hours...Today will be my fourth day of this...

Not that being tired is an excuse....but obviously I am not thinking straight.

I still have Luna (the rescue corgi) although she is going to her new home soon!!! She is in season right now which has been interesting. She had just come into season when we got her so we had to postpone her spay..anyway, I don't remember Vito ever being this obsessed before...he is in love with Luna and I've had to keep them very seperated or strictly supervised. He drives me crazy with the panting and the pacing and the mounting attempts...

And right now Luna is super trampy and shoves her butt at any of the dogs (and even the cat). Boone hasn't seemed to noticed her at all...that is until last night...

I got home and because the dogs had been crated so much had everyone out together. Vito was driving me nuts so when I went on the computer I crated him. A short while later I hear yelping...I go into the living room and there is Boone and Luna tied...(Seriously I am not really a bad dog owner...) Yeah. Boone is freakin out trying to get away so I grab him and her and hold them still until he's done. he's still screaming by the way... Thank god it was only a few minutes. I think Boone really freaked himself out so it was short. I feel like such an ass. I knew that a neutered dog would still try and breed but I didn't give Boone a second thought. He is so not a "boy" kind of dog. I've learned my lesson however so Luna is banned to a crate unless the boys are away or on a leash. Thankfully there is only a few more days left...

At least no one (Boone) wasn't hurt....Now at least I can laugh about it but still I feel like a tool.

Oh, and this morning after my shower I came out of the bathroom to see Pixel humping Luna....

Geez. my week has been getting better and better.


Jules said...

oh my!! The last line - after everything else - made me laugh out load.

Jules said...

That would be LOUD not load.

Paws on the Run said...

I can totally see Boone freaking out!!!! Too funny.

Sarah said...

hhahahaha Boone who knew - Vito will be so jealous. Well safe sex anyways. I'm going to keep Gyp away from him though, total perv. LOL

Isn't this only your 3rd long day? it is only Wednesday ... wow you really are tired :)

Anonymous said...

So - this time it won't be as difficult to see one leave?

dreameyce said...

Cove has been snipped since he was younger, and never bred, but the MOMENT a girl is 'ready', he KNOWS. He's not an ass before, acts normal, like a total gentleman, but as soon as she's ovulating, and standing his manly stud self is quite interested!

Sounds like Boone could also be hired as a 'check' boy ;0P (For AIs- helping tell when a bitch is ready to go) heehee

WigglyZack said...

Oh criky. Sounds like you have had a rough couple of days!!! Good job Zack is not there - he's a humping machine.....even tho he has had the chop too

onecollie said...

awwwww, poor you!
it's all my fault you're so tired!!, are we still friends!

penni said...

Bedlam -- pure and simple. Hang in there because you really do have only a few days to go.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying not to laugh out loud. She must be one hot dog! Poor Boone. You didn't have "the talk" with him?

Lynda said...

I am so, hehehe, sorry, hehehe,
I was laughing harder and harder the more I read....
very funny