The first snow of the year arrived in an angry swirl of snowflakes, wind, and cold. We woke up to a winter wonderland. Great fun to play in, not so fun to actually live in. lol
Day 1 over and already I am sick of shoveling...
In anycase the dogs certainly love the white stuff! I debated about braving the crappy roads to run them in the coulees, and when the sun was still peeking out after some housework the dogs and I headed out.
The coulees looks so beautiful covered in snow- and we were the first people to be out at our favorite walking spot! What could be better than fresh snow for photos??!!
Well, maybe snow that hadn't drifted two feet high...
I quickly discovered that a walk wasn't going to happen. The snow was too deep for the shorties. I worry about them bounding through deep snow, especially since both Pixel and Wicca have shoulder problems...
So we played in the parking lot and on the very edge. Where the snow wasn't too deep. The dogs had a great time running and playing. Lots of barking, and wrestling, and chasing. I was smart and wore waterproof pants so was able to sit in the snow and take photos/toss the toy once in a while.
on the hunt... |
Look!!! Boone interacting! (his sweater gives him confidence...) |
three's a crowd snow version |
Wicca gets what she wants |
handsome snowy Boonie |
maybe if he yells loud enough she'll drop it?? |
Snow Leo |
Proud of his find |
a leaping Brit |
I now have a quiet house. Which is good as it is too cold to go out again. Tomorrow is my day off. I may stay in ALL DAY....
Love the photos! I wish we had some snow to play in! Not to ask this in a stalker-ish way, but it made me wonder where you live, to have snow so early!
Alberta, Canada. ;)
It is unusual for us to have this much snow early. Usually halloween is when it starts. But my guess is it will blow away/melt in the next few days...
ahahaha love the picture of Pixel disappearing in the snow - great photos
Great pix! My two younger Shelties had a ball with this snow today. Me... as soon as I finished shovelling, I was indoors! Yuck. Too early for snow... sigh.
GREAT pictures! I love a play day in the snow, but I definitely don't want one this early in the season! Deep snow is a problem for the corgis!
Those are some amazing photos of the pups in the snow! My favorite is the one of Boone!
Geez, it's 80 here today. I think I'll take unseasonably warm over snow!
Oh my gosh! It's 79 here today which is unusual, but snow????
The pictures show the joy of the day! They all look thrilled to the max. Hope all slept well afterwards.
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