Saturday, April 30, 2011


Perfect Pixel, originally uploaded by manymuddypaws.

Today Jolene, Kim and I went to Okotoks for a funmatch. (Kim travelled in her own vehicle- it's hard to car-pool with a bernese mountain dog. :) )

The people there were surprised that we would drive all that way for a funmatch. We are used to having to travel for everything. Living in a small city doesn't allow for much training opportunity in new places.

In any case it was well worth the drive. I wanted to see how Pixel would do in a new place. She had a melt down at her first obedience trial, and her second was only marginally better. But today she was great- I had happy, bouncy Pixel almost all the way through the routine. We weren't perfect- she had to be double commanded on the drop, and went around the high jump. She did the broad jump but again needed some help from me. That is more than just a few kinks to iron out in a short time... But overall I was super impressed with her. I love that she is happy and sassy in the ring.

Wicca on the other hand- who I entered in Open just for fun (and with no stays...), was off. She loves obedience and open especially with all the fetching and stuff. But she was pretty flat in the ring and I had to really get her riled up between exercises. It was very un-wicca like.. Jo thought maybe she was anticipating the stays and was worried about it... She is likely right. Poor Woo.

We made up for it by having a good play outside. The property where the match was is beautiful and the girls had a few good walks and runs. It was a great way to spend the day!


Natasha said...

Sounds like a good time! I'm sure Wicca will be enjoying her stays again in no time. She'll get there! Glad that Pixel was so sassy too.

BTW, what camera do you use? I'm looking into buying a dSLR. You always have such beautiful photos, you have talent! :)

Diana said...

Thats great about Pixel!!! I love the picture too.