Friday, April 01, 2011


On Tuesday afternoon Pixel's nose looked a bit swollen and red. I gave her some Benadryl and left her at home for class. She seemed fine by the time I got home so I thought nothing of it. Still seemed fine Wednesday morning. I got home from Work and her nose was a bloody mess. She must have been rubbing and scratching it all day!!!  I cleaned it up, gave her more Benadryl and kept a close eye on her. The swelling went away, but of course now she has rubbed her nose so much that it is raw and sore. Poor Girl.

I suspected a bug of some sort. Pixel likes to stick her nose where it doesn't belong. And for the benadryl to have worked I was guessing that it had to be a reaction to something like that. Yesterday we were puttering around in the yard and she got bit again!!! This time I heard her yelp and run for the house so I know the general area she was in. She has three more large bites on the other side of her nose now.  I raked the area she was in and picked up all the sticks and debri from the trees, and then sprayed the crap out of the ground with bug killer, and used an xpen to block the area..... Some people have suggested that it could be wasps coming up from the ground, or maybe a nest of Spiders or something. Whatever it is they are mean! Poor Pixel.

photo taken with my iphone....

She is still on Benadryl to keep the itch away so she doesn't make her nose worse- but it looks awful. Thankfully the swelling is all gone now though- she was looking a bit like a bull terrier for a while...

Of course we are heading off to a Rally Trial this weekend. :( Other than how it looks she is fine- her usual spunky self. She was a little reluctant in the yard last night, but today she has forgotton all about it and I saw her snuffling through another pile of leaves....


K-Koira said...

Oh poor thing. Dogs always seem so startled and offended when they get stung or bit by bugs, like they don't know what they did wrong or why this happened to them.

Good luck keeping the swelling and itching down.

^..^Corgidogmama said...

Oh, that poor little girl! Her nose looks so wonder she's timid about heading outdoors...who wants more of that?? Good job on trying to get rid of the pests Amanda, whatever it is, shouldn't survive that dosing of bug killer.

Crazy Cardiness said...

Poor little Pixel! I hope that she heals quickly:-))

BCxFour said...


Dogert said...

Aww poor girl. Sounds like she's in really good hands though, sure she'll heal fast.

Ruth said...

Poor Pixel! Get better soon!

WigglyZack said...

Ouch that does look sore. Poor Pixel. Hope she is better soon and those darn bugs don't come back.

Josefine said...

Hi, I'm a silent stalker who reads a lot but comment the less, mostly because of my badly written english ;) Now I apparently gathered the courage though! Hope your Pixel get well soon, she sure seems like a lovely little dog

Dillydoodle said...

Awww poor Pixel... that looks RAW.. Dillon can relate, he got bit by a bug while we were on vacation two weeks ago right on the lower eye lid and he had a itchy, messy, weepy eye for a week.. Hoping that Pixel's little nose heals up fast! and Congrats on the events this weekend... looks like it was a great success!!