Thursday, January 20, 2011


Frost Princess 1/12/Pixel, originally uploaded by manymuddypaws.

Winter is stil here. We have had a few nice days which is great except those nice days are now being followed by a chinook- which is nasty, blowing wind (60-100km winds). And that nasty blowing wind isn't warm either- it just blows around all the snow you've been shoveling so now we have to shovel more.

I keep telling myself that it'll be over soon and we'll be complaining that it's too hot....but it seems so far away. lol


onecollie said...

speak for yourself woman !, I will never complain it is too hot LOL!

Crazy Cardiness said...

Eek that sounds pretty miserable! Love the pic of Pixel, well named too:-))

Taryn said...

Does it actually get that hot where you are? What's the usual summer temperature?