Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sometimes things are hard

Sometimes things are hard. Life, work, family, dogs, stuff. It can all be really good. Or it can be hard. And lately for me things are hard.

It's not one thing. Or one big thing. It's a lot of little things. I relate it to something I refer to as "walking in the dark syndrome". You know, when you are walking in the dark and you think you hear something and then you are sure there is something and then every little rustle of leaves or sound freaks you out more and more until you are running home. What started as one little thing got worse. A combination of no recovery time, and not enough coping skills. (This happens to dogs too by the way- and I use this analogy a lot when explaining fear and reactivity. Lol. )

Anyway, I am not a "share my feelings" sort of person and instead internalize things. Keeping my worry to myself. This is not healthy. Lol.

Soin an effort to cope and recover before the next thing this is what I do. To help myself.

I use music. To express myself and work through stuff. I've been listening to lots of music. Some angry teenage-angst music, but mostly calming uplifting folksie sort of music. It helps quite a bit. Cheapest therapist ever, and it never asks you how that makes you feel. Lol. I appreciate that. :)

And words. Reading. Writing. It's all a great way to cope and work through stress and worries. The Internet is full of hidden gems. So here. I found this on the Internet today. It's my new wallpaper on my phone. A good reminder.

Here's to better days. And continued sunshine.

1 comment:

^..^Corgidogmama said...

Amen...hang in.