Sunday, March 02, 2014

Super Sniffer

Shauna and I drove to Calgary in a snowstorm this morning. lol. The things we do in the name of "fun."

This particular fun was Sporting Detection Dog (Nosework) trial prep workshop, with a bonus DOT test in the afternoon.

The morning was spent talking about each of the steps for the test, the different searches, basic rules, training tips etc. We also got a chance to work through each of the searches- Container, Interior, And Exterior.

It was good for our dogs because we haven't really trained anywhere new- so it was good to see how the dogs worked in a new environment. Wicca did pretty good- she was distracted, but I had a chance to see how good/bad her alert would be. She did great on the container search, and so close on the interior. The hide was under a cabinet- with an air vent directly above. She did indicate- twice!, but I missed it and she went around to the backside and paw'd- so I called it. (I learned that more than anything today!!! Listen to the dog!)  She did not like the exterior search at all. She didn't even sniff. lol. But it was VERY cold, probably too cold really.

In the afternoon we did a DOT test- the Designated Odor Test is the first test, and is similar to an instinct test in that it is a pass/fail. It is just to see if the dog is somewhat trained I think. lol. In the US- where the trials fill super fast, it is required. In Canada it is not (yet!). Wicca ACED the DOT- she was confident and knew for sure where it was. It was neat to watch her. So yay for Woo!!!

She had a great outing- and I am sure will be tired for a few days now. It was so awesome to have my best little dog at my feet again. Someone commented about how well behaved she was! lol. I told them she was ten so I'd hope she would have manners by now...

Vito also came along!!! He too tried the DOT, but failed. And it was totally, completely my fault!!! He TOLD me where it was, and I thought he was just goofing off.. Sigh. In any it was great for him- and for me to see how he would work in that situation. The biggest surprise is that he wanted to visit! And even schmoozed with a stranger!!! Like grunting and everything. Usually that is reserved for those that he really loves. But he was handing it out to someone he had just met. Amazing. <3


sandra said...

Love nose work!

^..^Corgidogmama said...

Well worth taking the trip through the snowstorm! Yay Wicca, she's still got it and going strong, and kudos to little Vito too.

Koping Weims said...

As with tracking I think the biggest thing with nose work would be yup trust your dog