I went herding on Sunday and again today. Both times were awesome.
Sunday I used Leo for all the "real work" so that Brit would be fresh to train. For a dog that has had minimal training he did amazing. Brought the sheep to me every time, even with me on the quad. Just a good good boy. Today I did some training with him too- putting words to his flanks, and with my limited knowledge trying to push him out more. He is a little flat on the sides sometime and really likes to be close to the sheep. He's so keen, and his natural ability is pretty amazing.
Leo on sheep is very different than Leo in life. Put him with sheep and he is cool, calm and collected. Serious about work, and pressure doesn't phase him at all. In real life sometimes the pressure of "here, have a cookie" can throw him for a loop. lol. Although he is a control freak in both settings, but at least with the sheep it is allowed. ;)
Sarah came out with me today and took some amazing photos of Mr.Handsome. He's so photogenic!
Thanks for the photos Sarah!! Maybe it will help to find him the amazing home he deserves...
in the big field |
one. step. at. a. time. |
mr. intense... |
isn't this incredible? he did not back down one little bit... |
and then there is Brit- who made some real progress today! We've been working on teaching her to bend back out on an outrun if she slices or goes flat or whatever. With a "you getouttathat" and full head on pressure. Today she did it! Her Away side continues to be her strongest side, but the Come Bye is catching up!
I <3 this dog. |
1 comment:
Yea for both dogs!
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