Monday, February 28, 2011

A little lump...

Wicca has a little lump on her back. It's been there for a few months but lately it is starting to make me paranoid so today I took her to the vet. They took a sample and will call me tommorrow with results. My vet is pretty sure it is just a sebaceous cyst but I want to be sure. I've had more than one nightmare about Wicca dying lately so want to rule that out. lol

Wicca is so awesome at the vet- we rarely go, but she is never stressed or worried and walks in and leaves happy as can be. Thankful for the cookies I suppose. I brought Vito along today just to hang out and meet the vet and he did pretty great! I switched to this new clinic pretty recently and he hasn't been yet. I don't vaccinate regularly and he has been a very healthy guy. Anyway, he can be weird around people but was happy to meet her and she doled out cookies and had him doing his little tricks. It was cute. She even did a once over on him just to get him used to being on their table and stuff- which was super nice. (and found a chip on his tooth!) I was very proud of him for being such a good boy though (his people skills are improving a lot!!!) I Will have to make an actual appointment for him in the near future- maybe for a titre test or something....


^..^Corgidogmama said...

Sounds as if you have excellent vet care. I've been reading up on lumps and bumps lately because our female, age 9, is getting them. The articles said that they are very common in older, female, overweight dogs which totally describes our Addie. Not your Wicca. Hoping that all is well with your girl. Love your new header shot. It's great!

Kim said...

As you know, I am a bit paranoid about lumps and bumps, so I am glad you are getting it checked out. I am sure it will be nothing, but it is best to be sure.

onecollie said...

I can comment again! LOL!
fingers crossed for good news on wicca1
Vito has a chipped tooth, must be going around!

Jenny Glen said...

sebaceous cysts are pretty obvious so I bet your vet is going to be right and there is nothing to worry about. That's not a typical place for bad tumors to appear but very typical for a sebaceous cyst.

Nicki said...

I did an emergency cytology test on Oreo when I found a lump on him while in school. We went straight from obedience class to the vet school after hours where I did the test myself. Talk about paranoid. It was benign, hope Wicca's is too!

Taryn said...

Wilson had one of those cysts. It went away on its own. He also has a couple of those fatty lumps that are seen so often on Labs. Just like you, they made me nervous so I had them checked. It was wortj the peace of mind.

Sending good thoughts to Wicca.

H Ski said...

Finding a good vet is like finding a good doctor for yourself, hard. I am glad you found one the dogs love and you are happy with. It is always good to know your dogs get the care you want them to have.

And I hope the test come back and there is nothing to worry about.

Briese said...

Your dogs have such interesting names! I love it!

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