Not only did I feel connected with my dog (Wicca) in every run, but we had some AWESOME runs, and Q'd in Jumpers. In Jumpers! Do you know how long it has been since we've had a Q in jumpers? January. Serious.
I am so proud of my dogs I could burst.
I will have more time tomorrow to do up some video, but for now here is the breakdown.
Gamble- Q- 94 pts. Tough gamble- a turn off the teeter out to weaves. This is her 13th gamble Q.
Std 1- one bar. serious.
Std 2- one bar. serious!
Jumpers- one bar. omg serious!
Std 3- 15 faults. a bar or two? and something else? can't remember.
Steeplechase- Jolayne tried to run her and the weiner ran to me! I ran Tag and Q'd. :)
Snooker- Q- 47 points. Super fast path- thanks Sarah!
Jumpers- Q. FASTEST TIME OVERALL. 28.19 Seconds. Serious.
I am so proud of her- she listened SO well, and tried very hard. The bars were my fault, not hers. She worked her butt off. I have a very great dog.
Std 1- 5 faults- dogwalk contact....
Std 2- Q! This is her starters title! ADC
Adv.Gamble- it was a little too tough for her- a turn out of the poles to a jump.
Adv.Jumpers- Q! She moves to Masters!!!! Not even kidding. It is pretty unbelievable!
Adv. Std 3- 5 faults- i think a refusal
Snooker- she was a little naughty and we got tweeted on out closing.
Steeplechase- clean, but we had to redo the weaves, and were over time.
Mas.Jumpers- clean, but overtime. (4 seconds) She was pretty tired after the weekend and was definitely slower.
I am so proud of this dog- she seems so young, and inexperienced to be running such tough courses. It just blows me away. We have lots of work to do though, and lots to improve on. Mostly speed, and motivation. :) Oh, and those contacts and weaves.
No Q's, but lots of pretty great moments. He had a bit of a rough start on Saturday. Very disconnected, and flighty. Didn't leave the ring or anything, but was certainly doing his own thing for parts of the weekend. I was thrilled with his contacts and weaves though- he has improved so much with those. I've decided with Boone that part of his issue is that he becomes overwhelmed on long courses (i.e masters). I am going to run him FEO in starters for a bit, and build up to longer, tougher courses at trials. At home I am only going to do tough stuff with him, with lots of rewards, and hopefully it will make things seem easier for him.
Some random photos
The lethbridge Go Dog Go'ers...we took up half the trial almost!
We had a great potluck BBQ, and campfire Saturday night. It was a great end to the day!
Videos Tomorrow!
wow, what a great weekend!! Congrats!
You Q'd with Tag!!!!!how awesome is that!
That trial looks really fun, I'm going next year!
Congratulations for such a great weekend. That sounds really impressive!
Woot Woot! Way to go Team MMP!
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