Wicca finished her CD degree last weekend at the Calgary Canine Center. She already had one qualifying score from Medicine Hat in the summer and recieved the last two needed on the the 26th of November. We have been training alot and she has improved so much in the past few months. At the trial however she was pretty rotten, she was actually nervous I think but even with encouragement do you think she would sit? not a chance. So we missed every sit, but we had a decent recall, good heeling, and she did her long sits and downs no problem. Now we can pursue our Open and Utility exercises full time. She has pretty much all the open exercises down pat and we just need to polish and fine tune some small stuff. We haven't worked much on out of sight stays though so will be tackling that fixing some other problems that popped up.
I am very proud of her even with her poor performance. She is a great dog and is still young, she has quite a bit of growing up to do, and she and I need to learn to work better as a team. It is all a work in progress I guess!