Saturday, February 14, 2009

Scary day...

Vito tried to kill Pixel this morning. He got up on the counter (yes, he can) while I was in the shower and knocked off a bottle of Extra Strength GelCap Advils....I got out of the shower to a very happy Pixel carrying the empty bottle. After giving the dogs all peroxide to make them puke (I wasn't sure who ate them) Pixel was the only one not to puke. Swell. So off to the vet we went. Of course it happened to be on a day where my clinic is closed so we had to go all the way across town to a different one. They gave pixel something in her eye to make her puke and puke she did- paper, fuzz, hair, chocolate!!! (no idea where she got that from!) and no pills. The vet said they probably were already dissolved- but that she should have puked it all up so not to worry. Geesh! Talk about a heart attack!

She was back to her normal spunky self a few hours later so we went on a walk with Sandy, Jolene, and Wendy. We go to an underused off leash area- usually there is no one there. Today there were a few people but it wasn't bad at all. It can be hard to keep track of our big group though- between the four of us we had 12 dogs!!!! '
The dogs had a blast, running, and playing in the snow....
and then Sandy's little dog- Sadie (a fox terrier) nearly killed herself..... She took off from the group and started wandering near the coulee edge- right below is the river....We called and called do you think that bratty little terrier would even look at us? Nope. Down she went...onto the ice...Sandy was freakin' out at this point and suddenly screamed- We didn't want the other dogs to follow so we couldn't go until we had them all on leash. I left everyone leashed with Wendy and went to help. There is Sandy, on her belly, on the ice fishing her little brat out of the frozen river. Thankfully everyone is okay- Sandy is pretty shaken up, but little Sadie will be fine- she will probably lay by the fire place for a few hours and then be back to her terrier self.....

I am not leaving the house for the rest of the day. Geesh, what a day....
Oh- herding was cancelled due to all the snow...Stupid snow....


Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you. What a nasty, nasty day. Cuddle in with your pups, tonight. Although... I do have to recind the offer to have Jackie go on a date with Vito (previous posting) if he tried to off his sister.

Diana said...

Holy crap!! Im glad everyone is ok. Thank god. Diana

Judy said...

Gee, talk about Fri the 13 th a day later. Glad things turned out okay. BTW, after feeding mydog peroxide one night to make her puke after she ate a ball, I took her to my vet and she said the peroxide could make them choke on what you are trying to dislodge so not to use it. Glad the pills never affected Pixel

Bobbi said...

Wow what a day you guys had, I am glad everyone is ok.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are all okay.

Kim said...

That is a scary day.

Maggie ate a bunch of Ibrupofen when she was a puppy too. She had to spend a day at the vets on an IV and had her kidney values checked a couple of times to make sure they were OK. She had the runs really bad for a couple days after that, but thankfully, everything turned out alright.

I am very glad Pixel and Sadie are OK.

Sue said...

What an awful day. Glad it turned out ok in the end. I keep track of ten dogs every day, so I know how it can be.

Chris and Ricky said...

Super scary day! Glad everyone/dog is ok!

Blazingstar said...

Yikes. Sounds like an awful day. So glad to hear that everyone survived - it could have been really nasty.

^..^Corgidogmama said...

Dang...whatta day!
By the end of it, you needed those Advil, and there were none to be had!
Thankfully, all is well.

Holly said...

Very scary! Glad it turned out fine!!