Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Friday...a little late!

Better late than never! I was too busy today to post, but came back tonite to do some training.

I worked each of the dogs for about 20 minutes each, and felt that we made some real progress.

Wicca did obedience heeling, drop on recalls, and some utility scent articles. I haven't done any scent with her in a long time, and wanted to see where we are at. She still runs into the pile like a mad woman (from the good old days of Scenthurdle Racing) but I was impressed she remembered the game. I videod our first try so we didn't even practice first!

Pixel did some stays, some nose touches, and crate games. It was very apparent on Wednesday night that I have neglected to teach stay....stupid tonite we worked on that- she is understanding it, I just think it's boring....sometimes I think this dog is a genius though...

Vito did some heeling, some sit, down, and stands, and just goofed around- he likes to chase me...and I like to get him all riled up...he is the cutest dog.

Boone worked on his travel plank and did contacts, contacts, contacts and more contacts. We also worked on go on, and get out around a water bucket. Go Boonie!

Now I am heading home to lay on the couch and cuddle with the dogs...a pretty exciting friday night!

note: so I spent almost 20 minutes trying to upload my video to youtube and gave up. Photobucket took 10 minutes...I hate youtube.


Blazingstar said...

sounds like the perfect friday night to me!!!

pipit's scent training is so slow....she wants to bring ALL the articles back to me, sigh.

onecollie said...

what a smart girl!!!
the floor was still wet I see!!

Muttsandaklutz said...

Very cool.

Wicca almost looks like a big dog from that camera angle. :)