Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dog "Trainer"

How does a guy like this

become a "dog trainer" and have his own TV Show....

Makes me ill.

If you've never watched an episode before, there are a few on youtube...he is unlike anything I've ever seen before...His show is called "At the End of My Leash" and he is based in Calgary, Alberta.

He really, really sucks. Let's teach the dog to be afraid, never telling the dog that it was right, just hauling it up and down...poor dog.


Natasha said...

Oh my gosh, Poor dog! As if that would make a reliable, eager companion...if I were that dog, I would just want to run away.


Anonymous said...

OK- you really worked over my emotions on that one. I was horrified by his choking the poor dog and then started laughing with the bubble comments. Did you add those, Amanda?

onecollie said...

I've seen his show....that is his own dog believe it or not!

Anonymous said...

Amanda - check out what Robert has to say about the benefits of *your* training method.
Of course, he doesn't mention my dislocated shoulder (the cyborg incident-- but I am sure that it was my slipping on the ice during the incident that led to the injury). Jackie is getting so much better on leash. Thank you! You are an amazing trainer and we adore our new family member (she is at my feet licking my toes as I write this).

Diana said...

This guy makes me sick to my stomach. Diana

K9-CRAZY said...

Oh, don't get me started, he's horrifying. Did you see the episode where he barges into a woman's bedroom when she is still in bed, demands she gets up for a walk then orders her to do pushups on the sidewalk? She did it too!

I did a post on him over the summer...

Anonymous said...

As an educator, my first thought was, "Has anybody looked at this guy's kids?" Because if this is what he considers reasonable discipline technique, how much therapy will his kids need when they grow up?

Anonymous said...

As an educator, my first thought was, "Has anybody looked at this guy's kids?" Because if this is what he considers reasonable discipline technique, how much therapy will his kids need when they grow up?

Sarah said...

no comment.


Anonymous said...

I am glad to see that there is so much negative reaction to this guy. I live in Ontario & when I watched the show I e-mailed the network to complain about his tactics - they replied that the show is very popular, & that he is an experienced dog trainer. Perhaps if enough people complain they will take him off the air.

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of trying to organize an anti-Brad Pattison campaign. Trying to get a list together of people (advertisers etc.) to write to complain. The network does not seem to care I've known a few people who have written.

Amanda you should post that other video I sent you!
here take a look it's just sick