Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Good Dogs and Good Training

I am so happy with my dogs. Last night they did awesome.

Wicca totally 100% gets what "turn" means and did a tough weavepole gamble no problem last night with no body/motion help from me. For the whole night she was responsive and listened well for the most part. We had three bars down- and all three were my fault. She had great weavepoles- and did well on a tunnel discrimination exercise. Oh- and we used out "turn" for the first time off the contact to the tunnel. Woohoo. Funny how something so small can make you feel so good. She made me very, very happy and was rewarded well for her efforts!

Boone did great last night too- again GREAT weave poles. He missed his "off side" entry once, but otherwise didn't miss or pop. He is collecting really well into the poles now and is looking for the entry- not just any pole. Last night was the first night he'd been back on the dogwalk since the re-training of his 2on2off and he did awesome. We of course started just with some backchaining but by the end of the night he was driving into position- rather than creeping, or jumping off. It has been just a few weeks now since I went back and actually taught him correctly what he is supposed to do. I think that he is becoming more and more confident and was definitely faster last night than he has been.

I recieved my confirmation yesterday for an upcoming agility trial. It is the second one of the year for us, and I am very excited. The dogs have been doing very well, and I am feeling pretty confident about where we are at.

Yay for good dogs! (and good training!)


Sarah said...

Actually its your SECOND trial of the year, you donut!

Remember January TT Trial??


you really do have the worst memory .....

manymuddypaws said...

haha...i changed it. I totally forgot about January. Geesh. See what I mean. Sometimes I wonder how I remember anything! :o)

onecollie said...

and alot of hard work!!.....
you are so dedicated...good job!

Papillon Penny said...

Yeah - we'll see you at the TT trial!