Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Vito :o)

Vito just amazes me sometimes. Truly.

I took him to the agility field last night- just for him to get out and play around in between working Wicca. He did awesome.

He was a tugging maniac, and was running and having a good time. His dogwalk was speedy, his jumping great, his discrimination sucked :o), and he was happy and silly. He was so excited to work. I don't know why that shocks me so much- he was the same the last time I took him out too.

Vito is a struggle sometimes. I love him to bits, but we don't have a great working relationship history. Now I don't ever put training stress on him, and it is just about having a good time. We got out once a month on average I would say and he toodles around and does his own thing.

Sometimes he is pokey and distracted, other times it is like he has lightening up his butt (like tonite.) Either way I am pretty happy that he was happy and having fun with me. He is a dog that I don't really expect to play agility with me. When we do play it is not about being accurate, or about him learning something every time. I don't expect him to work hard when we train. I am pleasantly surprised when he does, but I don't go out there thinking that he will. At one time I did, and quickly realised that he had different plans. After some soul searching I decided to just let him be. And we are much happier because of that.

At the same time I see how much fun he does have sometimes, and wonder if I did put in the work what I would have. Would he be a good agility dog if I actually was serious with him? Quite probably. I realise, and admit that I am the issue. Lots of people run and train dogs just like Vito and do well- some really well. I just am not that kind of person anymore. I think I was so traumatized after Kate that any sort of shut down/nervousness freaks me out. I can teach other people how to train those types of dogs, but can't seem to do it myself. (Although Boone started out much worse than Vito, and is now a pretty great agility dog) At this point I am not willing to jeopardize our current relationship.

Despite my hangups, we will continue to train at home and go out once a month or so. If he gets to the point where he is having fun always, and I think that I can mentally handle him then perhaps we'll get more serious. If not though, he is quite happy doing what he does now. :o)


oddman said...

Loved your commment about Vito. I know exactly what you mean, about worry over pushing too hard.

You will find the balance. Maybe he's telling you something new?

^..^Corgidogmama said...

happy happy joy joy it seems to be what is pictured here!