Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Corgi Tree 51/52

Christmas Corgi Tree 51/52, originally uploaded by manymuddypaws.

My 52 weeks photo...isn't it great? I love it....Pixel totally cracks me up. What a good dog.


Taryn said...

I love it too! Great shot, very creative. Poor Pixel, the indignity of it all :-)

Dawn said...

What a good dog! So cute.

MurphyDog said...

oh, the doggie torture is unbearable to watch.

You sure do make a good Christmas tree though Pixel!

wags, wiggles & slobbers

penni said...

Shouldn't she have an angel on top of her head?

Jenilee said...

Holy fricken cute lol...

Natasha said...

LOL! That is the cutest Christmas tree ever, where can I get one!


Cait said...

Pixel says "I know where you sleep, woman."


Kim said...

Cute, Cute, Cute!

D.K. Wall said...

We are hoping many, many treats were involved - grins.

^..^Corgidogmama said...

She's game for anything, I swear! She sure does love the camera, and the camera loves her! She's a calendar dog, for sure.

Elf said...

Wow, this one blows me a way! Nice work. And merry christmas.

Shep said...

I love this shot, wow. It's just beautiful, and the lighting and her expression is fantastic! :D

Holly said...

What a fabulous photo!!

Crazy Cardiness said...

So cute and so Pixel, brings a tear to my eye! Thanks:-)

Flo de Sendai said...

Love it !
The most beautiful Christmas tree in all the world....

Anonymous said...

What a cute guy and so cooperative!