Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekend in a nutshell

2 masters jumpers q, an advanced standard q, and a advanced snooker q....

masters snooker q, some really awesome runs, and one really naughty run...

and bed bugs.....


Pixel is amazing. Seriously. She is such a good girl. She just does what I tell her to do. I can't get over it. She got not one, but TWO masters jumpers q's this weekend. Masters. Like 20 obstacles with serpentines, and threadles, and push thru's.

Wicca was fantastic. She is running really well and I feel that we are really connected. She had some "almost" clean runs that I was proud of my handling, and of my dog. Even in the really naughty jumpers run on Sunday she had some pretty great moments.

I will have video later today.

Oh, and the motel we stayed at had bedbugs. Thankfully I brought my own sheets/bedding but now have to freeze, and then wash everything that was in the room. Ugh, Seriously gross.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Congratulations to both girlies!! That's awesome.

Bed bugs.....<>