Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The need to have something in ones mouth...

Yes, she is peeing while holding a toy...
I've been told this is a genetic trait on the Beli side of the family....


Crazy Cardiness said...

Well it definitly runs on this side of the family! Beli doesn't do it but Sally, Abby and Fern all do!:-))

Blazingstar said...

OMG she has flat-coat genes!! Our dogs often pee and poop while holding something in their mouths and many of them are incapable of going through a doorway without having something in their mouth.

Kristy said...

Ha-ha! That's really funny:)

Sage said...

Well, what else are you suppose to do?

D.K. Wall said...

Qannik thinks that is most talented. Particularly since he sometimes forgets to keep his leg up when peeing - and that is all he is trying to do. Clearly not a walk and chew gum type of dog.

oddman said...

LOLOL at Qannik! Poor boys... takes some of them a long time to figure that out.

Buzz is able to hold his toy and pee, but he does a 4-pointer. methinks if he tried a 3, he'd fall over. :)


Taryn said...
