Friday, November 12, 2010

Agility Weekend

Okay, so it's not a corgi, or one of my dogs, or even related to the post, but I love Esmae and I took this photo yesterday on our walk so thought I'd post it.

This weekend the girls and I are going to Calgary for an agility trial. The last one of the year actually. I am looking forward to it.

I've been working religously on Pixel's contacts, although she has only done a few full dogwalks. I am doubtful they will hold up- but I only entered her in a few events so she will only have to do the dogwalk once. I have goals for Pixel to run under time in the standard and the steeplechase. We've been working on weaves so I am hoping for no weave problems this weekend!

Wicca's goals are simple- listen, and keep the bars up. :) My own goals are to get her around each course successfully. She has been running so incredibly well I'd like to keep that cycle going.

I am going to bring my video camera this weekend so there will be some stuff to blog about next week!


Taryn said...

Good Luck!

Coco said...

Good luck at the trail..

Oskar said...

I can't wait to check it out.

We have a site that we'd love for you to check out. It's a great place to meet other pet bloggers.

Nubbin wiggles,