Saturday, October 15, 2011

Beautiful 41/52

Beautiful 41/52, originally uploaded by manymuddypaws.

I LOVE the fall we are having. It's hasn't been too cold yet so nothing is officially dead. The leaves still crinkle, and there are plenty of leaves left in the trees. LOVE it.

And I love Wicca. As she has matured she really has become a great dog. Wicca has not always been a fun dog to live with, or work. She was a challenge, and would test limits every single day. Now that she is older I enjoy her so much more. She has this thoughtful side to her that she didn't have before.


Tucker The Crestie said...

I really do believe that good dogs only get better with age! And the relationships we have with them deepen and grow richer with the days and years.

Taryn said...

Lovely picture!

Jimmy and Wicca must be related :-) He hasn't been an easy dog either!

WigglyZack said...

Gorgeous picture!!!

Mary Lou said...

You CHANGED the picture on top!! Is that Pixel's BEAUTIFUL BLUE EYE?

Sage said...

Those early years can be challenging with some dogs, but it's worth it in the end!