Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Gamble Work

Last night went awesome. I got a LOT of work in with my dogs and am happy with how they did.
Sarah and I ran each of the gambles "cold turkey" so to speak and then worked later on more specific things.

Gamble #1

We did the 1,2,3- a-frame first, Wicca had no problem with this although her bottoms were a little sloppy. I fixed this by attempting to reward with a toy- but my aim wasn't so hot so in the end I just ran up and rewarded her where I wanted her to be.

Next we did the 1,2,3 Tunnel, Jump. Again Wicca had no problems with it.

Gamble #2

We did Teeter, Jump, Jump first. I was super confident that she could do this no problem- but she struggled!!! She did the teeter no problem but kept coming in and slicing the jump- instead of going around and over. Sarah said I needed to stay still and wait for her to move out and then turn over the jump. We tried this three times before we were succesful.

Jump,Jump, Weave was next. We nailed it. It was beautiful...I did it twice just to be sure :o)

Gamble #3

Wicca did great for the beginning of this one, but sucked into the tunnel. at the end. It was because I was too far ahead and needed to be behind her to direct....Remember I learnt that at Kim Collins....Duh. I ran it a second time and it was better. I made sure to reward straight ahead after the jumps...

After she took a break I came back and did some variation on the gambles...

I wanted to work on flipping her away over a jump...and just a jump gamble in general. It worked great. I had to try two times to get my timing right on my turn but once I figured it out it was good.
And I wanted to try sending away in the weaves so made these ones up. We had no problems and wicca didn't try to slice through pink 2 :o)

Boone came out last night and I have never been more proud of this dog. He did GREAT! We managed to actually train and it was great to see him so confident.

We worked on basic sending to a tunnel and did the standard jump,tunnel,jump type gamble.

He is a huge tunnel suck so I set that up for him and he did pretty great! He sucked twice to the tunnel but when I used my goodie container to help through the "critical" detour to the tunnel he was succesful. Keep in mind that a mere Uh Oh, was all he got for taking the tunnel.

And then we worked on weaves. He is getting very good at home, but as with all things with Boone it takes a while to transfer to new places. He did great and weaved four poles, from a standstill and from a tunnel jump...Yay for Boonie!

We also worked on individual contacts- a-frame and dogwalk. He is a little unsure on the upside of the dogwalk so I am doing lots of jackpotting at the top...

Oh- and of course we didn't do all of these things one right after the other. We worked for our 2-4 minutes and then he took a break.

What good dogs I have!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

ya boonie did great!!!

so did wiccie!!

the COLD TURKEY running of the gambles was good to see the strengths and weaknesses, mine being that wall gamble and discrimination - if we could combine both of our dogs we'd have the perfect dog!!!!

those were fun!