Just a quick post on some weekend news. I will post more tomorrow.
Mas. Gamblers
- Wicca was wild- a little out of control. Stuck contacts- except teeter! I forgot and didn't tell her to. Aaaah! Didn't get the gamble- it was super hard and only a few people got it
Adv Std 1
- Good run, awesome contacts. Wicca was responsive and listening well. We had a knocked bar and an off course
Adv Std 2
- Great run! It felt amazing. The course was very difficult and required quite a bit of handling. But we managed well and only had one knocked bar!!!
Adv Jumpers
- Awesome run. it felt smooth and not frantic at all. She handled well and didn't knock a single bar! Go Wiccie Go!
What can I say but amazing. We were clean and ran it in 32. seconds. No bars, no flubs. Woohoo!
Std 3
Fun! Wicca did great and nailed her weave pole entry, her contacts were great and I was super proud of her. What a good girl! One knocked bar
- I got to run twice and it was very fun.
Run #1/Side 1/with Jaz - wicca handled well but didn't commit to a jump and we earned a refusal- Jaz was clean
Run #2/Side 2/with Gyp - wicca was awesome, but missed her weave entry- earning us again, a refusal. Gyppie was clean :o)
and, as I mentioned in my previous post Wicca and I are taking a Snooker break. We will be working on this over the winter and hope to be back in the snooker ring in the spring!
Oh- and Sarah and I won the Team Costume contest- as Bugs (the dogs) and Bug Catchers! It was very fun and they were very cute!
I was very impressed with how well Wicca ran this weekend. We accomplished everything on my list of goals and I am very satisfied with our weekend. She had amazing weave poles- we only messed up one weave entry (on team of course) She had great contacts and I really pushed her limits on them. I did notice that when I take her leash off at the line she scoots forward a bit- hoping I don't notice I guess? Something that I will have to work on I suppose.
Congrats on your great weekend! I can't wait to see pictures. I love that one of her taking that turn where she's all dug in and appears to be barking. Serious action shot. Is video possible?
Saw a bunch of my blog friends this weekend too and one topic of conversation was Vito and his terrible cuteness. :)
Love hearing about your dog training and agility stuff.
Leila - K9 Spec Ops
thanks!!! It was a good weekend. I am working on video...hopefully we will get some up soon!
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