Friday, October 05, 2007

Friends Continued.

This is all Natalie's fault. Apparently all my other friends are offended that they weren't mentioned. So- to rectify the situation. Everyone meet my dog friends

Okay- nevermind. I started to make a list and come up with cute little sayings about everyone, but ya was just too time consuming. I have a lot of Friends. Too many to list, and as Wendy pointed out what if I forgot someone! So, instead I made a collage.... ;o)

This is a compilation of some of my dog friends, or friends dogs. Enjoy!

oh- I didn't take any of the photos- all the credit goes to the owner of the dog. (In most cases)
oh, and one more note- all these pics are from my email, so if you're not on there- it's 'cause you haven't sent me any pics in a while!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks auntie amanda, but why don't i get my own picture, i practically get lost in the photo next to the "others" in that photo, and why isn't mine the biggest, geesh .. the things a girl has to put up with now a days.

thanks for the effort i guess

p.s. there are far too many flat-coats on that collage, what is the world coming too!

her heiness jane