Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Winter is still here. And I'm busy, and cold, and tired, and maybe a little cranky.

I need more sun. It's dark all the time. I havent taken my camera out of the bag in over a week! i even missed my 52weeks project last week. :( I am crabby, and not in the mood I guess.

I am not a fan of shoveling. Hopefully our crazy winds will get here and stay here and blow it all away as per normal. This snow that sticks around is a pain in the butt!

I cannot believe it's only mid December. A few more months to go of this.

Speaking of mid December. It's mid December! I have done barely any Christmas shopping. My list is small but lots of hard to shop for people. I should have done more online shopping but that's a hard thing to do when you're a procrastinator. ;)


^..^Corgidogmama said...

Sweet pic of Boone. You're right, when it's dark, moods plummet. I just told hubby this a.m. that the weather is more January than mid-Dec. Ugh.
I did all online this year with our much smaller list. Shopping in this weather and mood is just an aggravation! Hang in...surely, the sun will find its way out again.

Koping Weims said...

Sounds like you and I are pretty much in the same mood... hopefully things get better soon...I am more than sick and tired of shovelling and having huge snow drifts...
