Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wicca Update

Wicca is continuing to be limp free- which makes me SO SO SO happy. She still gets a little shaky in the rear after exercise, but it doesn't last long. She is still a little twitchy in spots, but I've been massaging her every night. Overall she is feeling pretty good I think. We've been slowly increasing her exercise- we went for an hour and a half today!!! She is still not allowed to play or wrestle with the other dogs, or jump. But she has been doing lots of off leash walks- nothing crazy, no fun dogs to play with (No Pixel!) but I think that has helped her to get rid of some pent up energy.

We are very religious with her exercises- every morning we do stretches and her little tricks- wave, take a bow, weave through my legs, crawl... In the afternoon we do our ball stuff every second day, and alternate off leash walking, or hill walking...The hill stuff is a killer. lol. For me. And in the evenings we do more stretches, some training (working on signals, go backs, and more tricks), and cavelleti's twice a week. The Cavelleti's are ridiculous really- she smashes through them. I saw a photo on someone elses blog that I am going to try. Pylons with holes drilled in them to keep the pole from moving...It's a worth a try because my way certainly is more time consuming and a pain in the butt.

Leash walking has been pretty impossible. She is my naughtiest dog on leash and pulls like a psycho- not good for her body at all. I had an easy walk for her that worked well but she can't have her shoulders restricted like that. I bought this pretty pink harness for tracking- but it is the only one I've found that doesn't pull on her neck or shoulders. We don't do a ton of leash walking- but when we do she is stylin' :)


Jenilee said...

Ya! What she says!

Unknown said...

your dogs are gorgeous! I just found your blog! Mine is It's all about dogs too! I was wondering, how do I follow your blog?

minstrel said...

I'm so happy for you two that Wica is doing well :)

Sarah said...

yay for wicca!

let me know if you want some more massage for her too. she's looking well muscled in that photo which is great!!

p.s. the only issue with the cones with the holes (you can buy them like that) is they might be too high for her and they are REALLY light AKA wicca will plow through them. you could try 2x2 wood pieces 3' long too as they don't roll.

Tucker The Crestie said...

Glad Wicca is continuing to improve! Love her new pink harness!

Mary Lou said...

Wicca is "stylin'" in that pretty pink harness.... I love it!! ;op
Glad to read that she's improving!! ;-D