Monday, May 31, 2010

just a few days away

the cardigan national specialty is just a few days away.

i am excited, but nervous. mostly i am nervous about putting pixel in the novice obedience ring. not quite sure what i was thinking!?!!!?

i like for my dogs to be ready. like, really ready. and pixel is not that. she does not understand the stand for exam very well, nor is she proofed on her long sits and downs. her heeling is beautiful and her fronts are pretty amazing all of a sudden. but still.

so i am waffling- to pull or not to pull. i may have a conflict with agility anyway, and if that happens then the decision is made easy for me.

i am not a perfectionist, but i do like to know that my dog will qualify with decent scores. i have my doubts at this point. the only reason i entered her was because of the specialty. it's boosted by the club, and how cool would it be to get high cardigan in trial. which won't happen if she doesn't qualify. :) kind of makes it seem rather silly. i think that i was hoping to do a heck of a lot more training prior to now. and really i've been slacking off in the obedience department for a while. so yeah. we'll see on the day i guess!

it will be a busy enough weekend- the friday rally, and sunday agility/obedience are the events boosted by the cardigan club. saturday was left free of performance events so that the conformation people wouldn't have conflicts. if i kept pixel in obedience i'm very likely to have a conflict with agility....i am also doing agility on saturday with the girls.

this will be pixels first ckc trial. both wicca and pixel are in novice standard...funny eh? i have not packed, nor even thought about packing and we are leaving on thursday.


Taryn said...

Sounds like fun! I look forward to seeing photos of your Nat'l. Good Luck!

Lynda said...

How exciting, what an event to go to!
Amanda you are a great trainer and your dogs are fabulous workers for you. Be there with them and you will have a blast
Remember keep the goal at the back of your mind and focus on one run at a time. The results will come your way!

2Elkies said...

Where is it being held Amanda?

Marcy said...

Woot Woot Team Many Muddy Paws!!