Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Passing up Fame...

I was approached by the director of a local theater production the other day. He wanted to know if my dog would be interested in playing a small roll in their upcoming play. I was intrigued and asked him to send me more information.

The play is based on Road Dahls "James and the Giant Peach."

One scene calls for a Queen, and you guessed it her corgi. The corgi simply follows the queen around for a few minutes. Although I am constantly explaining the differences between my type of corgi, and the Queen's type of Corgi I was still interested...it's not everday that ones dog has a chance to be on stage.....I was all ready to say "sign us up!" and then I read the email again.
Not only is the play scheduled everynight for a week- but once a day as well.
So I had to pass.

Wicca is upset that she missed her chance at fame :o)
I told her that she's already famous. She didn't believe me.


Kim said...


We already think you are a star!!!

Paws on the Run said...

I guess you were right! Wicca and crew are famous if they are inviting you to DogTime!

dreameyce said...

Awww, poor Wicca! It's OK Wicca, you're still famous in blog-land!

Hopefully they can find a Pemmy to use!

^..^Corgidogmama said...

Congrats on your wonderful blog...the opportunity for the play, and your fantastic photos absolutely make this blog what it is!!!