It doesn't seem to hurt though- I can touch it and she doesn't shy away. Weird.
Update: Wednesday 11:53
Just got back from the vet. Wicca weighs a healthy 12.5kg. Kendra suggested using panalog for a week 3 x day to see if we can reduce the size of the spot. She doesn't think it is a bite or otherwise "bug" related- but if the panalog doesn't help she suggested Revolution just in case- she also said that with the trip to New Brunswick the revolution wouldn't be a bad idea anyway (heartworm) So no real answers- but a relief that it isn't a huge deal. She also mentioned that because it is bare skin it will be sensitive to sun- which is a good thing to know as I hadn't thought of that.
That IS wierd...keep me posted.
it is almost like the spot on Gyps leg, which I've been putting panalog on too.
I had Jane heartworm tested and treated before we went to Montreal and when we go to BC -you are right probably a good idea to take it before they go.
A healthy 27.5 pounds! LOL she weighs more than Gyp! Wicca looks he PERFECT weight right now!!!!!!
oh, hope your dog's fine..
I heard about this charity that matches agility dogs with disabled kids and they're up for a huge grant if they get enough online votes. I know nothing else about it, but it sounds like a worthy cause and I thought I'd try to get the word out. Pass it on..
That first pic of Wicca is great! Love it.
my first collie Ben suffered from collie nose...I'd break vitamin E capsules on it to help bring back the pigment....
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