This is Kato- he is the most handsome Xolo I have ever seen. He is a Standard Size Xoloitzcuintle (pronounced- Sho-low-eets-queen-tlee). I have spent a lot of time with a Xolo prior so his skin and texture isn't new to me- but believe me he is super soft, almost leathery. Kato also has very soft fine black hairs on his face and his tail. He has very cool eyes- they are a bright brown and combined with his fuzzy black face I think he's pretty darn cute!
My friend Natalie just got him last night- he is a Canadian Champion but at 18 months his bite had gone "off" so he was for sale. Natalie recently lost her Xolo Cholti and although wasn't looking to replace him this quickly a dog-less house was more than she could handle. Kato became available and here he is!
Anyway- I met Kato last night and was very shocked at how friendly he was ! His tail was wagging, and he was quite happy to play fetch after a few minutes of meeting me. I was astounded as this breed is a very aloof breed, typically used for guarding.
Mind you Kato has not been just a kennel dog- he grew up with Rottweilers and was shown alot all over the world so he is pretty much bomb proof. Anyway, I introduced him here as Xolo's are a pretty rare breed and it's kinda nice to educate people once in a while. Not to mention that you'll probably be seeing the odd pic or story about him.
You can read more about Xolo's here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Hairless_Dog
Do they come in other colors? A guy walks a mottled (pink and black) dog, that looks just like this, by my work every day. I've been too shy to go ask what breed it was...
OMG he's gorgeous!! I've never seen a std size Xolo, all the ones I've seen are all spindly legged and just not very substantial and all neurotic. He looks like an awesome dog! Good luck to him and your friend.
They don't come pink/black- your neighborhood dog might be a Peruvian Inca Orchid or something similar. Xolo's can come coated though, and some of them are a lighter grey color- in the summer they generally are darker because they tan!
Very neat, I'd love to touch one as it's a breed I've only ever seen on tv.
Is skin cancer a concern for Xolo's and do they need sunscreen?
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