Wednesday, September 30, 2009

he who is scared of stuff.

Somedays I get so frustrated.

Boone last night was amazing. For half the night. The first half of class was awesome- he was a weaving machine, only missed one "off side" entry, and got all the hard entries I could throw at him. He was fast, and didn't pop any poles. We ran two sequences with some discrimination, and a dreaded threadle. He was still focused, and having fun. The second half of the class he said he couldn't possibly. The train went by at that moment (well, actually it stopped) and we were on the side of the field closer to the highway. I totally lost him. No focus, shaking, spinning. And I couldn't get him back. Which is unsual. Most of the time I can get him focused and happy again with a few tricks, nose touches, and spins. Not so last night. Sigh. He is such a brilliant little dog and runs so well ....sometimes. I truly can't wait until we move indoors this winter. Everyone else hates it- but I like it because I can work with the "not scared of the traffic noises" dog. Only one more month.

I brought Wicca last night and did about 10 half frames, and two full frames. I think she is doing great. She is still relying on the "okay" for the release, and my movement- but hey, when we first started she wouldn't release at all, and last time she went to her 2on2off three times. Last night only once. There is progress, and I am on the right track. Again I forgot to take the hoop home last night. I am going to write a note on my freakin' hand.

We have a one day trial this weekend- we won't be ready to use our new contact so I will have to just quick release her...if I was a really good trainer I would pull her and only run classes where she didn't have to do the frame. But I'm not that person....


Sarah said...

i was thinking with boone the same thing happens at trials. he is brilliant, then he can totally flake out on a run. might have to figure out what sets him off, because it seems fairly random. Besides the fact that it is a confidence issue, but to me it seems not entirely. it was really noisy last night with the traffic and the BIG trucks, even I was distracted by them!!

Wicca is making progress for sure - just remember you are re-training - like when you re-trained Boone's contacts (except his were really bad, and Wicca's are already good), but I think you need approach it the same way. And get it out of your head that she has great contacts and focus on the re-train - which you seem to be. um ya you aren't pulling her this weekend - you ran 4 days of Nats with quick releases, I think you'll be fine, and it will probably help your cause overall, because Wicca will be like woo hooo I can run!

manymuddypaws said...

boone is a mystery. he has been doing pretty good at trials lately not flaking off, even when I have to change my tone, or "make" him do something (i/e the wet table) but there are still times that we struggle to work together...but he is coming and i am pretty proud of how far he's come...he just still has a ways to go is all!

with wicca i am focusing on the retrain- I am finding that it is all about timing tho- and well, you know how good my timing can be! but I am pretty happy with the progress for sure.

and i am not pulling her this weekend- i just said that I probably should to stay consistent...but I'm not. I agree that my quick releases will probably be helpful overall

Papillon Penny said...

I feel funny offering you advice, but have you thought of recording the train & traffic noise then trying to desensitize him to it slowly? I've been thinking that's what I should do with Blast with trial sounds....

oddman said...

Jacquie C once told me each time you do something with your dog, you're adding a building block to that foundation you and Boone are making. Every little block goes into it - so each time he has this fear thing going on, and his momma is still around, offering support and not freaking alongside of him, another block. I try and remember this when I get a bit down with my boy. So, our building may look like the base of the Pyramids, but we're getting there :D


Natasha said...

It's so hard training a dog who stresses easily. good luck with Boone, every small accomplishment means a lot in the end. I love hearing about Wicca's running AF training too, glad that she's transitioning to it so well. sounds great!
