Thursday, December 02, 2010

Obedience Work Group

Last night the newly formed "Obedience Work Group" met for the first time. This group was formed after my issues at the Lethbridge dog show, and my realisation that something needed to change. 

Sarah sent me this quote shortly after- 
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein. Great eh?

So then I looked at would could change and my training habits were the first thing. Typically what happens when I get bit by the obedience bug is I will start a drop in night- people can come and train. The theory is that I will train my own dogs as well. Which never happens. So I thought I would change it completely. 

The Obedience Work Group is 10 people with a common goal of CKC Obedience. All different levels, and training styles. We split into three groups each week and help one another. Each week there is a different leader, so I am not having to plan and boss people around every week, and I can focus on my dog. 

Last night was great. I got a lot of stuff done with Pixel heeling wise, and got some good feedback from my group members. It was nice to just show up and train my dog. Next week will be even better as I am not the leader. :)

I am feeling more optimistic about Sunday- we return to the Obedience ring for two trials in Calgary. After Lethbridge I was sure I was going to pull her but I feel that we've made some headway into the mind of miss princess pants...

Anyway, I am thrilled with the Work Group and am already looking forward to next week. Yay for Obedience!


Visichy said...

Sounds like the work group (or any fresh approach) is exactly what you needed. Good luck at the trails in Calgary :)


onecollie said...

Yay for obedience!, I agree!!!!
Kind of cool we are both heading out needing that 1 leg.....we can do it !!! & sing Christmas carols too :))