Monday, January 04, 2010


We started a tradition last year- a New Years Day walk. . I think there were 11 dogs and six people. It was really nice and the dogs had a blast. I took Tripp, Wicca, and Pixel. Boone is a complete wuss in the snow, and Vito is a jerk and likes to bark. :o) and I was worried about Ally is such a large group of dogs. So they got to stay home with a bone instead.

Wendy took some great photos of all of our dogs, In no particular order here are some of my favorites.
looking for critters

tripp looking cute as always

a group photo..although there are a few missing...

Wicca looking slightly crazed.

Did someone say critters? Seriously, that's what she does the whole walk.

Pixel, coming at you!

The chase is on!


Tripp hoping for cookies...

and Tripp, looking all cute again.

Happy Monday everyone! This is my first day back at work in almost two weeks...and surprisingly it is going pretty well so far!


^..^Corgidogmama said...

Looks as if it was fun for dog and people...great tradition, and terrific photos!

D.K. Wall said...

What a great tradition. Anything that involves a walk gets paws up in our book.

Anonymous said...

Happy Dogs!

ClassyChassy said...

Love your photos - the dogs look so full of joy!