I have been working at getting our distance back as she has become a little confused and therefore is pulling back to me off of a jump etc. I have been working mostly at home with the coffee table! and it totally paid off.
In the bottom sequence (white) I was able to lead out to the tire- and stay in the middle and rear cross 7 -8. She had great weaves, a solid start line and one bar. In the black sequence lead out pivot 1-2 and her 4-5 weave entry was awesome- she collected and had no bobbles.
The top sequence was super fun and I really pushed her for speed but still maintaining criteria, bars, and weaves. Black- the 4-5 weave entry was tough and we missed it the first time- I ended up pushing her out to make the approach better for her. 6-7 I layered the no.10 jump and just hung back to get the turn. White sequence-this one was more technical and required a well thought out plan. It was interesting to see the different paths my students chose. With Wicca I did a lead out pivot 1-2, sent her to the tunnel and picked her up on my right for the jump. Rear crossed 5-6 and again with the nasty weave entry- this time she got it the first time- and the rest was pretty straight forward- you had to be sure that you commited to the #13 jump- some dogs missed the jump completely. the weaves from the tunnel was a given as long as you got your cue out in time. Wicca was smokin and I was very pleased with her. Last night was the last barn night for three weeks- so it was good to really let her go full tilt....
I took Vito last night aswell and he did great. He was VERY full of himself and really wanted to play. We warmed up with some jumping-and some front crosses. His A-Frame training is coming along great and he was AWESOME last night. I was very impressed with him. He is understanding what touch means and that makes me really happy! He loves the contacts (because of the high rate of reinforcement) and had no problem with his first little discrimination. We did some restrained recalls over two jumps to a tire- he doesn't like to be restrained though- and that's something we will have to work on more. We ended on some teeter games- which he loves!
This is like a foreign language to me!! But I think that Wicca did good?!
I m glad wiccy did good on those, i really enjoyed those exercises too, who ever made that exercise up must be a FRIGGIN genius LOL!!
haha...funny...wonder who the genius was...
Oooh, you guys are so MEAN to your students! I would hear such bitching and moaning for weeks and weeks if I asked them to do all of those in 1 night! I've either got to start raising my criteria and put up with the moaning (I can get away with 1 maybe 2 really challenging courses/sequences in a night) or get some new students!
Glad your pups did well! :-)
haha Katrin,
Our students are very used to it...but we still get some complaining...but overall they are all willing to try it!
Sometimes I really think it's a "New Englander Mentality" thing. There are a number of judges and seminar presenters who REFUSE to come to New England to judge or give a seminar. They say that people here gripe too much, argue too much, and refuse to change their attitude. In many respects, I agree, but hey how's it going to change if no one ever tries?!
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