This is Ally....isn't she pretty? And yes, I know she's not a collie. It's an inside joke. Ally is a Sheltie that belongs to a friend of mine. Brenda has three shelties actually who are all very nice dogs- they aren't barky, spinning, obnoxious things- they are actually nice dogs. :o) I bug Brenda all the time about Ally looking like Lassie and being Collies. I know, mean. But still very fun.
This is Ally when she was a baby
those "mini collies" are soooo cute - I hope Brenda sees this hahaha!!!!!
She's adorable! I've had Shelties all my life and love the breed! My name is Ally and I used to be a volunteer puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind, I'm currently in the process of finding another service dog organization to raise for and hope to have another puppy in training in the first half/middle of this year. Again, Ally's beautiful, and nice blog!
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