Sunday, November 15, 2015

Brit the Rockstar!

99/100 for her last Advanced Rally leg- earning her Rally Advanced title (officially this time!)

And she earned her first CDX leg!!!  It wasn't perfect- in fact it might be the lowest score I've ever gotten. Lol. But- that's what happens when you won't sit! Her sitter was broken- no sitting in heel, no sitting for front, no sitting for dumbbell delivery. Nothing. I suspect it was her way of coping with the stress of the ring. But it also could have been physical from the cement floor all weekend. Either way- sits or no sits. She got a qualifying score. Other than those sits she was great- perfext broad jump, great retrieves, solid stays. A happy dog 


Dachshund Nola said...


Mick said...

YAY! Brit you go girl!